‹ Prequel: Forever Yours

Forever More

Truth or Dare?

“Let’s play a game!!!” I exclaim, bouncing from the sofa onto Kai and Kumi, earning grunts from both of them.

“Games are so immature.” Kumi scolds, rolling her eyes and pulling Kai to her side. “Isn’t that right hun?” She bats her long eyelashes toward him, and he nods in response, his silly grin plastered on his face.

Why is Kumi so lucky? She can sing, play instruments, she’s beautiful, skinny, and can get any guy she wants. And yet, she’s such a bitch. God, how could they raise two totally opposite kids? AND we’re twins!!! Pouting, I return to the couch and flip through one of her magazines. Page after page of girly talk: how to get a guy, what color to paint your nails, what your horoscope is, your color, blah blah blah. No wonder she’s such an air head. Well, at least I’ve got that going for me.

“I changed my mind.” Kumi grins, that evil twitch in her eye. What’s she planning now? “I want to play a game.” She crawls closer to Kai, taking his hands in hers. “We’re playing truth or dare.” She smirks, eyeing him up, no doubt he’s a feast to her eyes. The one guy she has yet to take for her own selfish needs. The one guy I won’t let her take.

“Okay.” He responds, his voice monotone, obviously not liking what she has planned. Nor do I.

“Fine.” I grumble, crossing my arms and joining them on the floor.

“All right, truth or dare?” She has her sights set on Kai, but I save him the embarrassment.

“Dare.” I grin smugly, sitting back against the couch. Momentarily, she throws one of her death rate glares at me. Huh, I guess she did get some traits from dad after all.

“Go run around the streets naked.” She gripes.

“I can’t do that! It’s illegal!!”

“So?” She throws her evil smile at me. “Already giving up?” Ugh, she knows I never turn down a challenge.

“Fine!!!” I hiss, throwing off articles of clothing and heading outside. Kai is quickly at my side, his coat thrown over my naked body. I look up at him, finding that his face is beet red. I’ve never once seen him blush this much. Glancing back into the window, I see Kumi fuming, throwing one of her childish hissy fits.

“What’s with her?”

“She made me do a truth.” He mutters, his gorgeous face growing redder. I love looking at him. His dimples, those shining, joyful eyes, and his messy, dark hair. Before I know it, I find myself blushing.

“Did you tell her she was fat?” I giggle, hiding my face in my choppy blonde hair. It’s strange, I hardly look Japanese at all. I have most of mom’s traits, not that I’m complaining. Mom’s adorable in a way.

“No, I told her I don’t like her.” I can’t hold back my laughter at his brutal honesty.

“You’re too blunt.” I giggle.

“Not the first time I’ve heard that.” He chuckles. I hadn’t even noticed how closely he’d been holding me. Not to mention I’m wearing only his coat. Meeting his eye line again, I find that he’s been watching me all the while.

“So who do you like?” I blurt out, instantly regretting the action. “I didn’t mean to say that!!!!” I yelp, covering my mouth with my hands. His face is soft as he wrenches the appendages away and entwines our fingers, his lips quickly crashing into mine. I’ve never been kissed before, and I’ve always dreamt of sharing my first kiss with him. We’ve shared everything. I don’t think there’s ever been a moment when we weren’t together. We were born to be together. And all this time, I thought it had been Kumi he liked.

“Does that answer your question?” He smirks pulling away, the tingling sensation and fireworks still there. Yet again, that tell tale blush finds its way into my cheeks, but this time, I do nothing to hide it. This time, I’m not ashamed to love him. Because this time, he likes me.
“Why me?” I whisper. “I’m not beautiful, I’m not smart, I can’t sing, I’m not an artist, I can’t play any instruments, I’m a wimp, I lie, I’m only…human.”

“Because you’re you.” He simply answers, that true smile on his face that is often hidden. I find myself grinning widely as well, as he pulls me close once again, our lips meeting in soft, gentle kisses, one after the other. Nothing will ever ruin this moment for me. Never. This will belong to us. Forever more.

“…So…why are you making out with my naked daughter?” Gasping, we quickly break apart to find dad eyeing us suspiciously, ready to beat the lights out of him.

“It’s not what it looks like!!!!” We blurt out as I pull Kai’s shirt tighter around me.

“Whatever.” He mutters fumbling with the door. “Just use protection.”

“Dude, they’re only only 14!!!” Kai’s father quickly joins in.

“Never stopped you, Die.” He mutters.

“KYO!!!! You know that’s different!!!!” He shrieks disappearing into the house with him. I can’t stop giggling.

“Thank god mom’s not here.” We say in unison, knowing they’d both take their individual turns beheading us. Again, we find ourselves laughing uncontrollably. I know this is only the first of many laughs in our lives together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alex-Son of DiexAmber from I Love You More
Kumi-Daughter of KyoxDanni from Forever Yours
Rian-Daughter of KyoxDanni from Forever Yours