‹ Prequel: Star Fleet Academy
Sequel: Tarantula Isle 1
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Temporal Archipelago 1

Temporal Archipelago 1

The archipelago was originally made up by several isles, in different sizes and shapes. Then, when the millennia shifted, something went wrong in the time-set and the isles multiplied .. and the time is different on the different isles.

At first, there was no problems with this, but as time went by, the time difference of the isles grew, and with it, came consequences of changes. By now, at 2007, there are millions of little isles. The time is separated up, to 1000 years ..

This is a problem, as people, and animals goes isle hopping. But, genetically, it's the Darwinian dream. Old and new is freely mixed, in a never before seen frenzy. Ok, by now, the isles themselves are changing, so you can no-longer know what isles was one in the past? Ok, past, what is the past .. it's no-longer a valid term.

On these isles, what's one future, may be the past elsewhere? Reading history here, would be a dillematic enigma. Because what was true yesterday, may not be tomorrow. Those in power, 10 years ago, are no more. Besides, what ever they could have done, how could that have lasted? Who knows? Who cares? So what? Ok, now things are different. As if, how could it not be .. different .. Indeed. The first year noone noticed, the next year, some did notice, then, after 5 years, most had noticed, now we all know, it's a fact. But, so what. It's how things are. For the time being, a President is elected for a 7 year period.

With the ever present changes, it's hard to keep track of people. So, it's up to anyone who want to vote .. to show up, pass the test of maturity. If you pass, you are allowed into the room, in which the election takes place. The election process was somewhat chaotic, but nothing really happened. Presidents were elected, and everything went back to normal. No election campaigns, only some minor advertisements by the candidates. And furthermore, the president did not set up as much as a single poster? Either people liked him, or they did not vote for him, or her.

Some times, there were female presidents. No fuzz about that. Some were better, some ware not better then the average? No-one really cared, they did their job, as did everyone else. About that they did care, on the other hand.

There was a general consensus, everyone does their assigned tasks. Then everyone can have their due privileges. The community was thriving, what was to be expected, but just that? As it was, there was no need for gamble, or putting oneself above others. And what one wanted to wear, one was free to wear, as far as was possible to provide for.

Pretty much the same with food, and anything else. There was a central market, there one announced what was desired and what was offered. If someone could manage to produce what was desired, it was delivered.

Anyone was free to announce, and offer what ever they were able to. Whether new, or old items, they were open for the market. Items changed owners, several times, before they got discarded, and then put away, to be recycled. If one could not get a desired object at one isle, one simply left for another. In the end, one was sure to find the object. Though at considerable effort in travelling time, as a price.

Here farmers, textile workers, mill workers, and so on, was as respected as the presidents. They all made an important job, fulfilled important tasks. Without which the community would not have withstood. Who wanted to be without the good food, clothes, homes, furnitures, leadership and so on? Well, actually, noone wanted that.

Wardrobes were filled with good clothes, and food plentiful. Furniture was placed in the nice homes of happy citizens. And if the weather or climate was not up to one's likings, one was free to move to where ever it did meet expectations.

What ever the reason, there was people left, to fulfil needs.
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