Blurring the Fine Line Between the Lifestream and Gaia


Amazing how one can have his loved one die and still grow so much in love with that someone.

The thought cycled endlessly in Cloud Strife's head. It started ever since she died. The saying grew so true. Cloud was still caring for her and desperately searching the dark, just to find a way back to her. He of course still did his delivery service in Midgar, helping the others and trained every now and then. In each of his activities, her image stayed in his head and her voice echoed through his heart. She was quite unforgettable, what with her sweet, assuring and caring voice. It was so hard to forget her.

He very well knew that she loved him, too, despite the fact that she saw someone else through his image. But she said it herself - he was the one she was looking for. Not somebody else.

Cloud sat on a cliff overlooking the urban city of Midgar. A relaxing breeze swept his face. Closing his eyes, he faced the sky. He remembered more of the someone that Aeris loved once, but he thanked him. He served as the bridge so that Cloud and Aeris could meet.

Zack... Zack Fair, SOLDIER 1st Class...

Cloud was desperate to find Aeris. Aeris Gainsborough. He was amazed, himself, at how such a measly meeting in the bustling streets of Midgar could lead to this. Something that he cherished to most. The day they bumped in the streets of Midgar. It was dangerous, and still, she was selling flowers.

Selling flowers... Where did she get that idea? From Zack, maybe?

He knew Zack all too well. A bubbly persona, confident and yet serious at times. An impressive man, to say the least. The very reason why Aeris liked him.

But what did she like about Cloud? It was beyond him, but he very well knew that the reason was far more than that of looking like Zack. She said it herself.

Cloud, I'm looking for you...

The sentence itself made Cloud feel nervous. He didn't openly express his feelings for her, but he came close. That was once, in Cosmo Canyon. The heat of the open fire made him want to say it. But what would Tifa think? Sure, he didn't like Tifa, but Tifa liked him. He didn't want to disappoint anyone, especially his childhood friend. But one thought occured to him: Why would she care? She seemed happy just being alone, being Cloud's sister in some ways.

The moment occurred to him. He still remembered what he said. What SHE said...

But I'm -- We're here for you...

It was the exact sentence Cloud said, and from that statement, he felt entirely sure that Aeris knew that he liked her. He did his best to express his feelings, the same way that she did. When they always divided into parties, Cloud chose to be with her. Aeris gladly obliged to do so.

And then the worst day has happened. Her death. Cloud's beloved. For a long time, Cloud's grief was there. The trip to the Lifestream to find his real self did affect his life a bit, but it barely removed his memories about Aeris. It felt so awkward with being with Tifa. She always wanted to comfort him, but Cloud refused. Aeris was the only one she loved.

The ring from his phone startled him and knocked him out of his dreaming. He fumbled and took out his black phone.


"Hey, Cloud! Sierra's done! Go check it out!" Sid's husky voice called.


He hung up and proceeded to his motorcycle. Sierra... The airship that Cid named after his beloved laboratory assistant, Shera. Cloud wondered if Cid really cared for her, but was a lot more eager to visit the airship.

He turned on the motorcylce's engine and put on his glasses. Before going, he whispered.

"Aeris, I will find a way. A way to reunite us. Just wait."

The motorcycle ran, and Cloud headed back to Midgar.