Status: If you are coming back to read the new chapters, reread the first 4. I have changed a few things, mostly just wording. Thank you :)

Hell Is for Children

“You were born in Asgard. Your mother was human, and your father a spawn of the Devil. My father took pity on your mother and let her stay at our abode. Your mother died in labor, and so you were to be put up for auction, or sent to Earth. No one wanted you because your father was a spawn of the Devil, so you were to be sent here. Thor though, being the kind soul that he is, told Odin that we should keep you for a while."

A/N: I dont own Loki or anyone from Marvel. Just Monroe.
Title credit: Hell Is For Children by Pat Benatar

I am using this map: as my reference for Asgard and the Nine Worlds. I'm sorry if this isnt correct, it's what I'm using. Thank you! DONT hit exit! Click back to come back to this page! :)