Status: Complete!

Wasted Nights

Change Of Heart

What was I doing? If I was so unhappy in my marriage, I should end it. I never wanted to be a cheater, like my mother. As much of an ass as Evgeni is being, he would never cheat on me. I really should file for divorce if I love Jordan that much. Time will tell. "Do you remember this place?' Jordan asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see that we were pulled up in front of The Sonoma Grille. This is where Jordan took me on our one year anniversary.

"Of course I remember this place. That was one of the greatest nights of my life, even though the after effects weren't desired." I said, remembering that night.


"Here's to many more great years!" Jordan exclaimed while we clinked glasses. He was drinking red wine, but I hadn't touched my wine. I took a sip of my water instead.

"So I have some exciting news, are you ready?" I said. I have known about this for days but I am waiting for the right time to tell him. Hopefully he is excited, he should be because he talks about it all the time.

"Yeah, of course!" He said with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"I'm pregnant! About 16 weeks." I said holding my breath waiting for his response.

"That's amazing! I am so excited!" He said.

End Flashback

After we were seated I decided I was going to tell him that I was going to leave Evgeni. We obviously still loved each other, we just drifted apart after the incident. That incident changed me, it was what drove me to Evgeni in the first place. If all went well with Jordan I would open all of my dance studios but get Summer to do the traveling and then go and check on things once and a while. "So i have news." I said, realizing the last time I was in this building I said something very similar. "I am leaving Evgeni." I got out before Jordan could respond.

"Really? To be with me? Are you going to need a place to stay? There is still that spare room that Victoria could have." He said, starting to list all of these things. I just chuckled, classic Jordan. When I told him I was pregnant he wanted to go shopping right away.

"Yes to be with you! And of course we will stay with you. Things with Evgeni have changed. I feel like the incident drove me away, even though I really never wanted to leave." I said, pouring my heart out to him. He grabbed my hand and looked into my eyes.

"I never wanted you to go either but none of that matters because you are coming back now. When do you want to move in?" He asked. I thought about it for a few moments.

"Tonight. By the way, I'm sorry that we ever had to go through that." I said holding back the tears.


I shot up in the bed. I felt a warm liquid trickling down my leg. Oh great, it was probably pee. This baby was going to be the end of me. I threw the sheets back and noticed that it was blood not pee. I got out of bed and changed my pants. I waddled out to my car. I drove to the emergency room. Once inside I explained what was happening to me, they put me in a room and left me alone for a while. I called Jordan, knowing that he would rather be here than listening to Max cry over his ex-girlfriend.

"Hello" A tired Jordan answered. He must have fallen asleep at Max's.

"Jordan, it's Lex. Look I'm at the hospital, I was bleeding down there. I'm so scared." I said letting my tears flow.

"Lex, I will be ther in five minutes." He said before hanging up the phone. The doctors started running tests and by the time Jordan got there we waited for the results. After what seemed like hours of me crying into Jordan's arms a doctor walked in.

"Alexis James, I'm Doctor Davidson. Unfortunately I have some bad news. You had a miscarriage. We don't know why these things happen but take a couple of months and maybe you can try again. I'm so sorry." He said. As soon as he told me he had bad new I started bawling. Jordan wrapped his arms around me and let me cry into his chest.

End Flashback

"It's wasn't your fault so don't think that." He said standing up to give me a hug. We paid and left. He started driving back to my apartment. Hopefully Evgeni wouldn't be home so I could just leave. We pulled up in front of my place. The elevator ride was silent. I unlocked the door to my apartment and stepped in. Victoria ran to me and gave me a hug.

"Hi sweetie! Evgeni are you home?" I asked waiting for a response.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, it's been a while since I have updated, and I hate that. But my brother is getting married next weekend and my family is crazy as shit right now! On the bright side, I have the whole week to write, since I am not needed for wedding planning this week! I must warn you that I am throwing my friend a party because she is moving, so that's also in the agenda this week. I hope you all enjoyed that chapter! I will try to update very soon! Comment, Subscribe, and Friend!