Status: Complete!

Wasted Nights

You Can't Make Me Stay

"Evgeni, are you home?" I yelled through the house. The house was silent for a few moments. I assumed that he was still out. I took off my shoes and started walking to the kitchen, the house was still silent. I went to the spare closet and pulled the suitcases. I ran up the walked down the hall and walked into Victoria's room. I threw all of her clothes in a suitcase and most of her favorite toys in another bag.

"Mommy, where are we going?" I heard Victoria ask from behind me. I turned around to see my very tired daughter standing just outside the door.

"We are going on a trip without daddy!" I said. She shrugged her shoulders and ran off. I grabbed her sheets and pillows and threw them in a box. I heard someone come up behind me. I turned around to see Jordan. "Can you go get a box and get all of the shoes from the closet that are ours, then meet me in the bedroom." I instructed him.We really didn't have much time to pack everything.

Once I got everything packed in my room I moved to the bathroom where Jordan was packing. It looked like we had everything, except dvd's. I ran and threw them in a box when the door opened.

"What the hell is this?!? Why is there all this stuff at the door?" I heard Evgeni yell. I walked down to the front door with the box in my arms. Jordan was right behind me with Victoria. I saw the rage in Evgeni's eyes.

"This is me leaving. I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry." I said to him as I walked out the door. Evgeni didn't say a word as me and Jordan loaded the boxes into his car.

"Where did I go wrong? Why do you love him over me?" Evgeni asked as I was grabbing my car keys. I looked into his eyes and felt no remorse at all.

"I think you stopped loving me a long time ago, this is just me trying to be happy. Unfortunately for you, my happiness doesn't involve you." I said before walking out of the apartment for the last time.


5 Months Later

"Victoria! Let's go!" I yelled down the hall. Today was Victoria's fourth birthday. I had successfully avoided Evgeni for five months, but today I had to face him. I really wasn't sure how he was going to act, since Jordan and I had a huge announcement to make today. Victoria came running down the hall in her flower dress that Jordan just had to buy her.

"Wow! Miss Vic, you look like a princess!" Jordan said from behind me.

"Do you have her bathing suit in that bag?" I asked him. He nodded his head before taking my hand and leading us out of the apartment. I let my mother plan this party, since I had been extremely busy. I had just gotten back from a week of visiting one of our new dance studio's in New York.

Once we entered the party, held at my moms house I was swarmed with hockey player asking me where the girls were. I just laughed and ignored them. I was walking into the house to set Victoria's bag down when someone grabbed my arm. I looked up into the eyes of Evgeni.

"When are you going to come back to me?" He asked without even greeting me. I just shook my head and tried to walk away but his grip tightened on my arm.

"Let go, you're hurting me!" i said but his grip got even tighter. In a matter of second Evgeni was being torn away from me. I saw that Kris had grabbed him and Jordan was right up in his face. Luckily we weren't causing a scene, since we were the only ones inside.

"What are you doing grabbing my girlfriend Geno?" Jordan spat at him.

"She was my wife!" He yelled back. Jordan laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Well, she isn't anymore. In fact she's pregnant with my baby." He said. Instantly Evgeni's anger turned to sadness. Kris let go of him and he walked right out the front door without another word.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is a short chapter, I am experiencing some writer's block on this story.So, look at that, an update!

My brother got married on the weekend, It was a beautiful day!

But while we were waiting around in the morning before the wedding, I started working on ideas for this story.

I also decided that as much as I love writing, I also love comments, so I am going to need a few more of those.
