Status: Complete, but there is a sequel!

Will It Last?

Food Poisoning???

Three Months Later

Jordon's POV

I heard Ali throwing up in the bathroom. That was every morning in the past two weeks that she had been getting sick. I knocked on the door to the bathroom. "Baby, are you okay in there?"

"No. I think I got food poisoning on our honeymoon."

"Hate to break it to ya babe, but food poisoning does not last for three weeks." She opened the door to the bathroom. There was a look of pure terror on her face. I had seen that look before. That was the same look she gave me a little over a year ago when she found out she was pregnant. I did not even ask her, I just reacted. "Taylor!!!!!"

"Holy shit! What do you want on a Saturday morning at 9 fucking a.m.?"

"Get your ass out of bed and watch Kenzie please."

"Well, I would be fucking over joyed!" Then I heard him get out of bed and go into Mackenzie's room.

"Get some clothes on and let's go. I will call Dr. Adams while you are getting ready." Ali looked at me reluctantly and went to get changed. I went to the phone and called the doctors office.

"Dr. Rachel Adams' office, how may I help you?"

"Umm, yeah my wife had a baby girl about four months ago. We came to you before. We need to book an appointment for as soon as you can get us in."

"Dr. Adams has time in ten minutes."

"Okay, we will be there soon." I hung up the phone and went to check on Ali. I walked into our room to find her in the closet clutching a sweater. I knew that sweater, it was the same one she was wearing when she went into labour. "Baby, whats wrong?" I crouched down beside her. She looked into my eyes. She did not look sad. She looked worried.

"What if we just aren't ready for this again? What if things get so stressful that you leave me?"

"I would never leave you, don't ever forget that. I love you, and we can get through anything. If we are having another baby we can handle it."

"Okay. Let's go then. I guess it's now or never." I helped her up and we walked to the car. The ride to the doctor was dead silent. This worried me a little bit. When we got to the doctor we were ushered into a room, and Ali had to put on a gown. We knew the drill by now. We waited for Dr. Adams to come in. Those ten minutes waiting for her, seemed like a life time.

"Hi Ali, Jordon! How is Mackenzie doing?"

"Really great!" Ali responded. Her face brightened. There was something about her talking about Mackenzie or to Mackenzie that just made her face light up the world.

"Okay, so what brings you to my office?"

"I have been getting sick for about two weeks straight, and I think I am late but I'm not sure."

"Well lets do an ultrasound to see if there is anything in there." Ali layed down on the table as Dr. Adams started the ultra sound. I looked up at the screen, waiting for the news. Then there we a few things that looked like babies. Dr. Adams checked for heart beats. There was more than one. All of a sudden Dr. Adams sat up straight, "Why don't you get dressed and we will talk in my office." She exited the room after that, taking a picture of the ultra sound with her. Ali silently got dressed. I have never seen her more terrified in my life, I have to admit I was scared too. We walked down the hall to the office. "Come in, have a seat." We both sat down. Dr. Adams looked at us. "Don't look so scared. This is good news!" We both breathed a sigh of relief. "Ali, your are two months pregnant." I looked at Ali and pulled her into a hug. "That's not all. You are having twins." Ali looked so happy, that made me feel so much better. "We don't' know if they are girls or boys yet, but in one month we should be able to tell. Do you have any questions?"

"No, I have been through this before." Ali said. After that Dr. Adams gave us more information on twins. We left the doctors office, and I started driving to PURE. It was a frozen yogurt place that Ali loved going to while she was pregnant. We have even taken Mackenzie there before too!
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