Status: Complete, but there is a sequel!

Will It Last?

You Excite Me

3 Months Later

Ali's POV

"Jordan! I can carry my own bag! I did not come on your road trip to Boston to be treated like pregnant person!"

"Ali! You are three months pregnant so naturally I am going to treat you like you are pregnant."

"You know what? I am going for a walk!" With that I stormed off. Things with Jordan and I had been different lately. He had been too protective. As I was storming through the hallway of the Garden I walked straight into someone.

"Oh, sorry!" I looked up to see Tyler Seguin.

"You know Ali, we have to stop meeting like this."

"You don't say."

"So, where are you storming off to?"

"I was thinking lunch. You wanna come with me?"

"I would be honoured."


"Where did you even find this restaurant?" I asked Tyler.

"Marchy took the team here once." Tyler had taken me to some private Cafe. "So why are you so pissed?"

"Well, I am pregnant with twins but I feel like Jordan wants to put hazard lights on me so I am always protected."

"You don't like that do you?" I looked into his warm brown eyes. My heart started to beat fast.

"No I want someone who is going to treat me like a person." He put his hand on my knee, then gazed into my eyes.

"I think I can help with that." Then he kissed me. It was one of the most passionate kisses I have ever had. But then I thought of Jordan and I pulled away.

"Tyler, I am married and I have a kid."

"Yeah but are you happy with him?"

"Well, yeah I mean, of course I am."

"You keep telling yourself that but when you are ready for someone who could love you the way you deserve, I am here."


"Ali, earth to Ali!" I looked at Jordan. I could not take my mind off of Tyler but I love Jordan. But Tyler made me feel so good about myself.

"Jordan, I need to tell you something but you have to promise me you won't be mad."

"Ali, I won't be mad. Just tell me."

"Okay, here we go. Tyler kissed me."

"That fucking BASTARD!!!!!" Jordan screamed as he ran out of the dressing room. I ran after him. He ran straight into the Bruins change room. He made a b-line for Tyler. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!! YOU KISSED MY WIFE!!!! WHAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO KISS MY PREGNANT WIFE?????" By then Brad Marchand and David Krejci were holding Jordan back.

"Can I tell you a secret, your wife asked me to go to lunch with."

"Tyler, I did not ask you on a date, I asked you as friends." I said. Jordan looked at me, he looked crushed.

"If you want to go to lunch with him so badly, why don't you sleep at his apartment tonight!" Jordan spat at me. He walked out of the change room. I ran after him.

"Jordan, where are you going?" I reached out for his arm, but he slapped it away.

"Do you love him??" He had tears rolling down cheeks.

"No, I don't! Please baby, you have to believe me."

"Just give me some space." Then the greatest man I ever loved walked away from me, possibly for good.


"I don't have a spare room Ali, but I will sleep on the couch." Tyler said to me. He looked like he felt very guilty.

"No, you can sleep in your bed, we are both adults."

"Yeah, that's true." We both walked into his room. I grabbed my dance sweats and one of Jordan's old hockey shirts out of my bag. I went into his bathroom to change. I cried in the bathroom. Had I just lost my husband? I love him so much but being around Tyler is exciting. I walked out of the bathroom and back into Tyler's bedroom. His room was like Jordan's in many ways, since there was only a bed, t.v and a few other furniture items. Tyler was in bed reading a book. Yes, that's right people, a book. It was Harry Potter book 3. I crawled into the bed. Tyler put his book down and shut off the light. I rolled over so I was facing him.

"Being with you excites me. But can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, shoot."

"Why do you want to be with a pregnant married woman?"

"I want to be with you because you are beautiful, funny, smart, sexy, a great mom, an amazing dancer, and you make me want to be a better man." I looked into his eyes, he seemed to be telling me the truth. I leaned forward and lightly touched my lips to his. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. He kissed my forehead. Just as I was falling asleep I heard him say "I love you, you are then only girl I have ever loved."
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