Status: Complete, but there is a sequel!

Will It Last?

Time Stands Still

Ali's POV

Do things ever happen so quickly in your life that you feel like you are on the outside looking in? That's how I feel right now. One second I was enjoying a conversation with my husband and my daughter then the next second I am being rushed down to the car. Jordan handled my first labour well but this time Taylor came with us with Mackenzie. Jordan looked terrified. I don't blame him at all, I am two months early. Things were happening to quickly. I did not even have time to process the fact that I might be giving birth soon. The pain was blinding. I have never felt pain like this before in my life. I am two months early. What if something happens to my babies? I wouldn't be able to bear it if something went wrong. If something happened to one of my children, my heart would break. The car ride was quick. Taylor seemed flustered while he was driving. Then I was being rushed into Emergency. There was so much chaos in the Emergency Room. Things felt like they were in slow motion now. Nurses were rushing to me with a wheel chair. There were concerned looks on every face I glanced at. The fact that everyone around me was stressed made me even more concerned. In no time I was in a labour room. Nurses were hooking me up to machines and poking me with needles. Taylor and Mackenzie were somewhere else, hopefully far away from the commotion. I heard people shouting things like 'page Doctor Adams' and 'she is in labour, two months early'. Jordan was sitting beside my bed. I reached out for his hand. He looked up at me and attempted to give me a reassuring look, but he failed miserably. I haven't said anything since we got to the hospital. I wanted to wait until I got good news. After what seemed like a lifetime, Doctor Adams came into the room. She started looking at charts and checking me. She hadn't said a word to me or Jordan yet, which wasn't characteristically her. "Ali, how are you feeling? How is the pain?" Doctor Adams asked.

"I um, I feel terrible right now. The pain is really bad. Is something wrong with my babies?" I asked. I was starting to get to an emotional state. I felt like I could cry at anything right now.

"Ali, Jordan. Your babies are healthy. We were doing all of those tests to make sure everything was healthy before you gave birth. You are about nine centimetres so you will be pushing very soon. It is to late for an epidural though." Doctor Adams said. I felt relief was over me. I left out a sigh. Jordan squeezed my hand. Doctor Adams left the room. I moved over on my bed and patted the spot beside me. Jordan climbed on the bed. He wrapped an arm around me and kissed my temple.

"I was so scared Ali. I thought I was going to lose you three." He said while tears formed in his eyes. Jordan never cries, only if something has really upset him.

"Hey, baby. It's okay. We are all okay. Nothing happened to us." He just hugged me tighter. I felt a contraction, this wasn't like the contractions that I was having before. No this was a pushing kind of contraction. Jordan saw the pained look on my face and paged the nurse. The nurse came rushing in and then left to go get Doctor Adams again. About five minutes and two contractions later, Doctor Adams came into the room. Doctor Adams checked me again.

"Okay Ali, you are ready to start pushing. Count down from ten with me okay?" Doctor Adams told me. That count down from ten thing was bull shit. There was no way I was going to be able to focus on count when I was pushing out a child. "Start pushing." Doctor Adams yelled. She had to yell because I was screaming through the pain. I started to push.

"Ahhhhhh." I screamed. I kept pushing. Was labour really this painful? I never remembered giving birth to Mackenzie being this bad. But I am the lucky winner of getting to do this twice!

"Keep pushing Ali. I see the head." Doctor Adams encouraged me. Jordan took a step back to see the head of his child.He came back with a look of disgusted look on his face.

"That just looks so beautiful." He said still looking grossed out. I smacked his arm as I felt another contraction coming.

"Ugh not another one." I started pushing again. "Ahhhhhhh. Ouch. I can't do it. I can't." I said as tears formed in my eyes. This was just too painful. I felt Jordan grip both of my hands. I looked up into his blue eyes.

"Ali, you can do this. You are such a strong beautiful woman. Come on. Keep pushing baby, I'm right here." Jordan said. After his pep talk I pushed my hardest. All of a sudden the pain stopped and I heard a cry. Crying is always a good sign. I lied my head down.

"Congratulations, here is your daughter." Doctor Adams said while handing Alexis to me. I held my daughter. She was beautiful. I felt more tears form in my eyes but this time they were happy tears. "Do we have a name for her?" Doctor Adams asked.

"Alexis Jane Eberle." Jordan answered. I handed Alexis to him and continued to rest.

"Okay you two. The next one will be along very soon. Ali, rest up." Doctor Adams said while taking Alexis to the nursery.


About ten minutes after Alexis was born I started feeling the contractions again. I sat up and got ready to push. Before I could do anything Jordan squeezed my hand and put his other hand under my chin.

"Thank you for giving me three beautiful children. I'm sorry I ever doubted your trust. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am so glad that I was such an idiot at that hockey rink a few years ago." Jordan said. Then he gave me a kiss. He was pulling away when I grabbed his neck and pulled him in for one more kiss.

"Okay Ali. Looks like we are ready to push again." Doctor Adams informed us. I grabbed Jordan's hand and squeezed as I pushed. I pushed for about three minutes before I heard another baby crying. I lied down on the bed, I was exhausted. Doctor Adams handed Sean to me. "Whats the name of the boy?"

"Sean Taylor Eberle." Jordan answered. Jordan really wanted to honour Taylor in some way for being such a great 'Uncle' to Mackenzie. We had already picked the name Sean for our son, so I suggested Taylor as the middle name.

"Mr. Eberle, would you like to hold your son?" I asked Jordan.

"I would love to hold my son, Mrs. Eberle." I handed Sean over to Jordan and watched as his eyes filled with tears.

"I will go get someone to bring Alexis in. Good job Ali, this labour was tough. Congratulations you two." Doctor Adams said before leaving the room.

"Hey little guy. I'm your daddy. Just telling you know, you are going to have to at least give hockey a try. I love you so much and I'm going to take such good care of you." Jordan said to Sean. A nurse brought Alexis into the room and handed her to me.

"Hi sweetie. I have loved you since the moment I found out that I was having you. I do have to warn you that you are going to have to try hockey and dance but I won't force you into either one. I love you." I said to Alexis before taking Sean from Jordan. I started rocking Sean back and forth in my arms. "Hey buddy! I am your mommy. I am going to be taking care of you while your daddy plays hockey. He is really good at hockey and he has to go away sometimes for it but always remember that he love you and he always comes back." I said to Sean who was falling asleep.

"Hey honey! I'm your daddy. I want you to know that you are not dating until you are 25 because I don't want any grand kids before then. I love you so much. You are my beautiful little princess." Jordan said to Alexis.


"Mommy!" Mackenzie said. Taylor had just brought Mackenzie into the room to see her siblings.

"Hey Kenzie! How's my girl?" I asked Mackenzie.

"Good. That my baby siter?" Mackenzie said pointing to Alexis.

"Yeah sweet heart, that's Alexis. And this is Sean, your baby brother."Jordan said to Mackenzie.

"So, March 6th and May 6th guys, you really like the 6th day of the month don't you guys?" Taylor commented. Jordan laughed.

"Oh yeah Tay. I guess we do." I replied. "But hey at least one was in 2011 and the other two were in 2012." I said. Taylor laughed and patted my arm.

"That would have to be the way things are Ali, do the math." He said. Jordan smacked his arm. I gave Jordan a look signaling that Jordan should tell Taylor about the middle name.

"So Taylor this is Alexis Jane and this is Sean Taylor, after you. You have been so great with Mackenzie and you are a great god father to her." Jordan said giving Taylor a hug.

"Thank you guys so much. So if me and Kendra are Mackenzie's god parents, what about these little ones?" Taylor asked.

"Well, I worked things out with Tyler. Him and Alicia are living together, so we were thinking them." Jordan said. He has worked things out with Tyler. They sat down and had lunch one time. They managed not to kill each other and actually became decent friends.

"That sounds good. So Alicia really isn't moving back to Edmonton then?" Taylor asked. Him and Alicia flirted with each other a lot when she was in Edmonton.

"No, I don't think so." I said. That made me sad but I had three beautiful children to happy about.

"Okay well we will let you guys get some rest. Do you want me to take these two to the nursery?" Taylor asked.

"No, they can sleep here." Jordan said.

"Okay bye. Say bye Kenz." Taylor said.

"Bye mommy, bye daddy, bye babies." Mackenzie said.

"Bye sweetie." Jordan and I said. Jordan climbed onto the bed with me once Alexis and Sean were in the cribs the hospital provides. As soon as he got on the bed his arm was around my waist and we were out.
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