Status: Complete, but there is a sequel!

Will It Last?

This Could be a good thing!

I pulled out the pregnancy test and went to the bathroom. I did the test and I began waiting for the results....... Three minutes passed so I looked at the stick. Staring back at me was a little pink plus sign. Oh crap! I cannot be having a baby! "Ali! You okay in there?"

"No, not at all" By now I was crying. I looked like a hot mess.

"Oh my gosh! What's wrong?"

"Jordon, I am pregnant."

"Really? Well, we can do this. We could be parents, right?"

"I mean, I guess so. Do you really want this though? I mean we are so young" You put your hand on my belly.

"Of course I want this. I love you. You know that! We are young, but we are so good together. Think of how amazing our baby is going to be!"

"Yeah, yeah. You're right! We should go see a doctor though, I mean I should be four months pregnant."

"Yeah let's go right now. There is one down the block."

"How do you know that Jordon?" I asked as we were walking out the door.

"Oh, you know, Taylor thought he got a girl pregnant. No big deal, she isn't pregnant."

"Good to know." We entered the clinic. It smelled so clean, I hate that smell.

"Hi! How may I help you?" The receptionist asked.

"My girlfriend is pregnant, she should be about four months. Is there anyone we could see?"

"Yes! Why don't you follow me. Dr. Adams will be right in!" She left us there in the room. Then she came in again. "Here put this gown on, the curtain is right there." Then she left again. I put the gown on, not really caring about the curtain. I sat on the bed and waited. The door opened suddenly.

"Hi! I'm Rachel Adams. I hear that you are pregnant!"

"Yeah, I think I am four months along."

"Why don't you lie down and we will take a look. Are you the father?"

"Yeah, Jordon Eberle."

"Oh, an Oiler!"

"Yeah, are you a fan?"

"Yes, and my three year old daughter has a huge crush on you! Okay here we go, if you look over there that's your baby." I looked at the screen. It was so beautiful. I had seen my mothers ultrasounds before, I do have 6 younger siblings. But this was different, I helped create this baby. I grabbed your hand.

"Wow, it's so beautiful" You said.

"Would you like to know the sex?" The doctor asked. We both nodded. "Congratulations, it's a girl!"
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Just so you all know, I wrote this a while ago and decided to upload it. Comment and Subscribe! Friend me too!