Status: Complete, but there is a sequel!

Will It Last?

Stomach Ache or Baby?

"Kendra, what are you doing here? I thought no one in our family wanted to see me."

"U of R sent you something about your school transfer." I looked in her eyes, she had a terrified look. I had never seen my sister like this before. Something happened to her.

"Kendra, what's wrong? We both know that you could have sent that to me. What happened?"

"I crashed mom's new car and then went to visit you before she noticed"

"Kendra, you know you cannot run away from mom. She is literally everywhere. Just go home, apologize, and then get a job to help pay for the repairs. Mom loves you, she will forgive you."

"I know, but I mean, I just miss you. I wanted to see my sister pregnant. You look good by the way."

"Thanks sweetie! Why don't you have some cake, and then call mom so you can fly home?"

"Okay, will you ever come visit?"

"Of course I will. I have 6 younger siblings I have to look out for. It will just take a while for me and mom to get back to normal. Don't worry about me, okay?"

"Yeah, okay" I looked in her eyes and saw that twinkle I was so used to. That is the happy go lucky 16 year old sister I know. I spent the rest of the baby shower with Kendra. When she called my mom, I spoke to my other siblings (well the family I was adopted into when I was a baby, but they are family to me anyways). See there is me, I am almost 21 by the way, then Kendra, then Colin who is 15, Cassie who is 14, Tyler who is 8, Hailey who is 5, and Jill who is 3. I miss them but my mom and I still have to work some things out. I sent Kendra home on a plane, promising a visit soon.

2 Months Later

I was sitting on the couch one lovely May evening when I got a terrible stomach ache. "Jord, what was in that pasta you made?"

"Tomato sauce. Why? Are you okay?"

"No, I have a stomach ache."

"If you don't want to go to the movie, that is totally okay. You are due next week."

"Jordon, this may be our last night as a childless couple. It is only May 5th, May 12th is so far away. Let's go to the movie and then maybe we can come home and have some fun. I am not that fat, if you see what i'm getting at." I wiggled my eyebrow at him, and he just laughed. That laugh was one of the first things I ever loved about him, but let's not forget that smile.

"Okay, babe let's go." We walked out the door. We were going to see Letters to Juliet. After the movie we came home and went to bed. Nothing fun happened once I hit my pillow. I woke up around 3 a.m. with a shooting pain in my stomach. Then the sheets were wet. My water just broke.

"Jordon, wake up. My water just broke. We need to get to the hospital. Go wake up Taylor, he is going to have to drive." I did not realize but I was slapping Jordon trying to wake him up.

"Okay Ali. I am awake and I did just hear what you said. I will go get Taylor, or can I put on some pants first?"

"Fine but hurry please!" After he got Taylor up, we all went down to the car.

"Ali, your water just had to break at 3 f-ing a.m." Taylor said.

"Taylor, I am in so much pain right now. If you do not drive a little faster I will make sure that you will never be able to create a child, so you never have to wake up to someone in labor again. So shut the hell up and DRIVE THE DAMN CAR!"

"Okay, I feel like it is getting pretty hostile in the car. Why don't we all take it down a notch, okay?" Jordon suggested.

"When you have to push a baby out of your private area, then you can talk about making the car less hostile, okay?" We rode the rest of the way to the hospital in silence. Once we got there we checked in and I went straight to delivery, leaving Taylor in the waiting room, because I did not want him in there during that.
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