Status: Complete, but there is a sequel!

Will It Last?

Baby Makes Three!

"Okay Ali, just squeeze my hand when it hurts." I looked up at Jordon, he was handling the labor so well. Me on the other hand, well the pain was getting to me. I squeezed his hand really hard when the next contraction came. "Okay, you took squeeze really hard very literally." I looked back up at him and let up on my grip. Just then Dr. Adams came into the room.

"Hi Ali, Jordon! How are you feeling?"

"I feel marvelous, I could go run a marathon right now actually."

"Good to hear. Okay, so the nurse told me that you are about 8 centimetres dilated. It will be a little bit longer, okay? Just call on a nurse if you need anything, I will be back soon." With that she left and it was just the two of us again.

"Babe, what's wrong? You look sad." Jordon asked me.

"I just wish my mom was hear, you know? Every girl dreams of sharing this moment with their mother, and my mom doesn't even want to be here. I already had one mom abandon me when I was a baby, now my other mom is abandoning me when I am having a baby. She said I was too young but my birthday is in like two weeks."

"May 19th, I know. Sometimes parents don't like to see their children struggle. Your mom has done everything that she ever could to take care of you, and now all of a sudden you don't need her anymore. She will come around soon, just call her at some point."

"Okay I guess your right. But the truth is, I do still need her, she is my mom, I will always need her."

"Then you need to tell her that. Do you want to call her right now?"

"Yeah, can you hand me my phone."

"Here you go." I dialed my mom's number. I was so nervous, me and my mom hadn't really had a conversation since I told her I was pregnant.


"Ali, I just don't know why you think having a baby is such a good idea. You are nineteen years old, you shouldn't even be having sex yet."

"Welcome to the world mom, teenagers have sex in it. Plus I am having a baby with Jordon, you love him."

"Alison Carter, do not call here until you have come to your senses."

"But mo-"

"No, goodbye."

Present Day

"Hi mom, it's Ali."

"Ali, what is it? Is something wrong?"

"Look I need you to know, that even though I am engaged and having a baby with Jordon, that doesn't mean I do not need you anymore. You're my mom, I will always need you. Now more then ever."

"Why do you need me so bad right now?"

"I am having my baby right now."

"Oh my! You must be so scared. I will be there as soon as I can, okay? Ali, I love you."

"I love you too mom! Bye."

"Bye." Then she hung up the phone, my mom was coming to see me!

"Hey, how did that feel?" Jordon asked.

"Really good! She is on her way here, by the wayyyyyy."

"Are you okay?"

"Contraction, oh god. This baby better come out soon."

Two Hours Later

"Okay Ali, keep pushing!" Dr. Adams said.I looked up at Jordon.

"Jordon, I can't. It hurts too much, can you do it for me?" I was crying right now, no one had prepared me for this amount of pain.

"Babe, you are doing great. I know you can do it. Remember when you got leg surgery three months ago and you were walking before anyone said you should? You're a fighter Ali, you can do it. Only a few more pushes and she will be out, okay? Grab my hand." Jordon said to me. God I loved him, he was perfect. I grabbed his hand and started pushing again.

"You're doing great, here she is!" Dr. Adams said. Just then, I heard a baby cry. The pain stopped too. I looked up at Jordon, and he just smiled. "Here is your baby girl." Dr. Adams said while handing the baby to me. I held her, she was beautiful. She grabbed my finger with her little hand. My eyes filled with happy tears.I looked back up at Jordon, and he just kissed me.

"Babe, everything okay?"

"She is perfect, just perfect."

"Jordon, Ali, do you have a name picked out?" Dr. Adams asked.

"Yeah, Mackenzie Marie Eberle." Jordon replied.

"Welcome to the world Mackenzie, happy birthday!" I said.

"I always had a good feeling about May 6th." Jordon said.

"Oh did you now" Just then there was a knock at the door, the person started entering the room. "Mom!"

"I should start calling you a mom now too, shouldn't I!" My mom said with a smile.
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