Status: Complete, but there is a sequel!

Will It Last?

Reception Part 1

"May I present to you, for the very first time.......Mr. and Mrs. Eberle!!!" Jordon's friend Drake announced. We walked in to our reception, and people started clapping. I am so happy. I really love Jordon. He is everything that I need. I am so lucky to have him in my life. We had all sat down for dinner. There were hockey players left and right. Sidney Crosby, Evgeni Malkin, Tyler Seguin, and Brad Marchand, to name a few. The speeches were starting! Alicia stood up to give her speech.

"Ever since me and Ali have been friends, we have told each other everything. So when I watched her go through heart break, and all of these hard ships life handed her, I made it my personal duty to protect her. When she started dating Jordon, I was scared that history was repeating it's self. Jordon, you are the best thing that has ever happened to Ali. She tells me about how much she love you, everyday. Thank you for protecting her from all of the hurt, and not causing more hurt. You two were made for each other. I am glad you two found each other, because now I can feel safe letting my Ali spread her wings and fly. Ali, I am so glad that you found someone who completes you. I found this quote that describes what Ali has told me about your relationship: "I know you are only gone for a little while, but it feels like an eternity." I am so glad that you two are together. Jordon, welcome to our crazy group of friends, you have been warned about us. Cheers to your future!" Everyone shouted "Cheers!" Once Alicia was finished. I stood up and hugged her.

"Thanks, Ali. That was beautiful!" I whispered in her ear.

"I love you, Ali. Congrats!" She whispered back.

"Okay, and now with the next speech. Taylor, you are up." Drake said.

"First, I would like to congratulate Jordon and Ali! I haven't known Jordon for that long, but ever since I met him he has always spoken so highly of you Ali. He truly adores her. When Jordon came to the team, to try and figure out how he should propose, none of us had ever seen him like that before. He was so sure of how much he loved her, it made us realize that love is love, no matter the age. He proposed to her on a hockey rink, he also met her on a hockey rink. These two have proved that love can overcome anything, and that when you find your soul mate, nothing can keep you away from them. So let's raise a glass to finding your soul mate, which Jordon and Ali did." Everyone raised their glasses. Jordon shook Taylor's hand, but I stood up and gave him a hug. Drake to the microphone again.

"Okay everyone, I want to tell you a story. Jordon, and I played hockey together in Regina. One day we were shooting puck around a rink. Us being stupid sixteen year olds, we were making a ridiculess amount of noise. Then a beautiful girl with blond hair walked in. She looked kinda pissed, not even gonna lie about that." Everyone laughed at that. "So, she walked in, and she walked on the ice. She was just storming over to Jordon. When she got to him, she grabbed his stick. Then she said "I can hear you screaming from outside the doors, you are scaring my brother." Jordon, being the wimpy guy he was, he is just muttered "Oh, I'm so sorry. By the way, I'm Jordon." Then the beautiful blond girl introduced herself, "I'm Ali! How old are you guys anyways?". I was getting sick of this lame back and forth thing so I answered for Jordon, "We are 16. Jordon here just turned 16, on May 15th. What about you?". "Oh, I am turning 16 in like 10 days, May 29th! Well, I gotta go. See you around." Then Ali turned and left, but Jordon chased after her. I am not exactly sure what happened next. I do know that Jordon ran back to me all giddy and excited. "Drake, I have a date with her, on May 19th!" I just looked at him, because he was being stupid. then I gladly pointed out something to him, "Well you better get moving, because today is May 19th." Ever since that day, they have been in love. I had no idea that being a stupid teenager would lead Jordon to his future wife, but let me tell you, I am happy we were being stupid teenagers that day! It has been a great five years for them. Congrats guys, we all wish you the best!" I looked over at Jordon, I remembered that day as if it was yesterday. "Okay, now it is time for the newly wed first dance." Jordon got up first and took my hand. He lead me to the dance floor and the music started playing. Our first dance song was 'I'll be' by Edwin McCain. We started to sway from the music, when Jordon whispered in my ear,

"Thank you for always loving me." I looked at him, and I kissed him.

"I wouldn't change these past five years for the world." He just kissed me back, and we continued to dance.
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Drake is played by Ian Somerhalder.
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