Status: Complete c:

Tears To Shed

Scene III

"So what did happen under that oak tree, Jinxx?" Ashley asked him and nudged Jinxx's shoulder with his elbow.
"I was at my usual spot and well Andy walked by and recited his vows. He did it so perfectly, and then he gave me the ring." Jinxx said holding up his hand. Andy sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Oh, wait there's something we forgot." Jinxx pulled Andy's arm and held him close. Andy felt one of Jinxx's arms snake around his back and his slender fingers taking his chin. Jinxx looked into Andy's eyes before leaning in and pressing his lips to Andy. Andy's eyes went wide as everything around him stopped completely. He felt as if time had stopped and all the sounds around him went mute. He shut his eyes tight and wished that this moment didn't stop.
Jinxx pulled away and left Andy dazed. That's when everything around them came back to life, or dead. Andy noticed that everyone around them was cheering.

"Now it's official." Andy heard Jinxx whisper into his ear.
"W-Wait everyone stop!" Andy suddenly screamed. Everyone became silent as they stared at the breather. "There's been a terrible mistake. I'm not dead!" Andy yelled.
"It doesn't matter if you're not dead, Andy." Jinxx said taking Andy's hand in his. Andy gasped at the contact. Jinxx's hand was as cold as death, oh wait. "Come Andy I want to show you something." Jinxx said as he led Andy into a dark part of the land of the dead. Ashley and Jake following sneakily behind.


As they passed through the streets he saw other dead creatures, most of them greeting Jinxx. Andy and Jinxx began to climb a few stairs and they came to a stop at a balcony.
"The view here is just beautiful and breath taking. If I had any breath left in me anyways." Jinxx joked as he leaned against the balcony, resting his chin on his palm. Andy looked over and he could see the entire land and Jinxx was right it was breath taking.
"Wow, it is beautiful." Andy whispered.
"Not as beautiful as you my dear." Jinxx whispered and wrapped his arms around Andy, hugging him from behind. Andy swore he could here some muffled chuckles and gagging noises. "I almost forgot, to give you your wedding present." Jinxx said pulling away from Andy and taking his hand leading him down the stairs.
"Where are we going now?" Andy asked.
"You'll see." Jinxx flashed Andy a grin.


Ashley and Jake quickly jumped out of the bush on the balcony and quickly followed after Jinxx and Andy.
"Hurry up Jake or we'll lose them!" Ashley yelled at Jake.
"Cut me some slack, I'm not an athlete you know." Jake replied trying to keep up with Ashley. Jake came to a stop with bent over, keeping his hands on his knees for support. Ashley stopped and rolled his eyes.
"Come on, Jake." Ashley said pulling Jake's arm around his shoulder.
"No it's fine. I'll get us a ride." Jake said standing straight and snapping his fingers. Jake looked up at the sky as Ashley followed his gaze. A few black spiders started crawling down in a straight line and began weaving a large sphere around Jake and Ashley. Ashley almost tripped when the orb of web began moving on it's own. A square of space began opening in the orb and Ashley looked outside as Jake sat on the floor of the orb. They were in some sort of carriage of web and Ashley could see the spiders controlling it from the outside. Ashley turned back to Jake with a smile on his face.
"Hey, they don't call me Black Widow for nothing."


"Where are we?" Andy asked as he looked around. They were in some kind of graveyard.
"But a graveyard in the land of the Dead?" Andy thought as he looked at some of the tombstones. Some of the tombstones looked ancient with chipped edges.
"We're in the graveyard." Jinxx replied.
"But why would there be a graveyard here?" Andy asked looking up at Jinxx. Jinxx smiled down at Andy and caressed his cheek with his cold thumb. Andy flinched at his touch and Jinxx quickly pulled away and looked back at the graveyard.
"This is a graveyard for the lonely spirits. Those who can't accept that they're dead or those who are waiting for someone to be dead." Jinxx explained. Andy nodded and looked around at anything besides Jinxx. There was a long silence. Andy could feel his cheeks beginning to heat up despite how cold the land of the dead was.
"I actually used to be here." Jinxx said breaking the silence. "Shortly after I awoke I was devastated." Jinxx folded his hands behind his back and began to walk swiftly around the graveyard, Andy's eyes following him. "I just couldn't accept what had happened. I wasn't sure who I was more angry with, my arranged fiance or my ex-lover." Jinxx said coming to a stop in front of a grave.

Andy followed Jinxx and stood close behind him. He looked over at the grave that read 'Jeremy Jinxx Ferguson'. The edges of the tombstone were cracked and filled with spiderwebs. There was a large hole in front of the grave as if someone had dug it out.
"What was his name?" Andy asked.
"I don't remember, actually." Jinxx admitted. "I don't even remember the sound of his voice. Every time I try to remember my mind rejects it completely. The only thing I remember is his face." Jinxx said running his hand through his hair.
"When you die your brain activity lasts for a few minutes before you body shuts down completely. In those minutes your whole life flashes right before your eyes. Everything. Even things you don't remember. But in the last second your mind focuses on the one thing you want to remember for the rest of eternity." Jinxx sighed. "My mind foolishly chose his face. And now his face will be locked in my mind, forever." Jinxx kept his head down, his hair covering his face.

Andy slowly lifted his hand and placed it on Jinxx's shoulder, squeezing it lightly to try to comfort him.
"I'm sorry." Andy whispered. Jinxx put his hand over Andy's.
"It's alright, love." Jinxx said smiling up at Andy. "I'm sure I would be crying by now." Jinxx chuckled.
"Why can't you?" Andy asked, remembering how Jake didn't cry earlier. Jinxx chuckled as if he was about to answer a child's question.
"I'm dead. And since I have no fluids in my eyes I can't produce tears." Jinxx explained ruffling Andy's hair. Andy smiled back at him. "I almost forgot why we even came here." Jinxx said taking Andy's hand again and leading him to another grave.

Andy squinted his eyes trying to read the name of the tombstone but there was mold growing on it that you couldn't see it. Jinxx grinned before knocking on the tombstone softly. There was a strong cold breeze and the ground began to shake rapidly. Andy almost fell before Jinxx wrapped his arms around his slim waist. They heard a few screams and a crash before a deep crack started to form in front of the tombstone and a bright light shined through the cracks. Andy wrapped his arms around Jinxx's neck as Jinxx's grip around Andy tightened. The shaking stopped and there was a shadow in front of Jinxx and Andy. Andy realized it was a body. It turned around and Andy's jaw dropped.