Status: Senior year of college, be patient with me.

No Love. Just Lies.

Chapter Two

The sun was still shining when we reached the Helicarrier. I smiled, taking a deep breath of ocean air before turning to Bruce. "Welcome, Dr. Banner, to the Helicarrier."

"Uh," Bruce shifted, "thanks."

I rolled my eyes, "Don't feel awkward, Bruce. We're all freaks here." I stepped off the plane and he followed.

He gave me a hard look, "Thanks."

"Doctor Banner." I looked over and raised an eyebrow at the man walking up to us. Tasha was at his side and I gave her a grin as she just stared, her face like stone.

"Uh, yeah, hi. They told me you'd be coming," Bruce said shaking his hand.

"Word is you can find the cube," he nodded, his blond hair not moving out of place.

Bruce looked around, "Is that the only word of me?"

"The only word I care about." I raised and eyebrow. Who was this clown? I cleared my throat and he looked over at me. "My apologies, ma'am. Steve Rogers."

"Evangeline Evans," I commented shaking his hand. "What makes you fit for the team? You look normal enough."

"So do you," he commented, frowning a little.

"Oh, baby, you haven't seen me when the moons up," I smirked, blinked, my eyes turning to their yellow and my fangs extending down. Steve stepped back.

"That's enough," Tasha snapped, looking over her shoulder at me. My smirk fell, my eyes and teeth going back to normal. She turned back around and pressed her finger in her ear.

I looked up at Steve, "Sorry. Didn't think my mutation wouldn't be welcome here."

"No, no. It's okay," Steve said nervously.

"So, uh, it must be strange for you, with all this," Bruce said trying to clear up the awkwardness.

"Well, this is actually kind of familiar," Steve smiled at Bruce.

"Gentlemen," Tasha looked at me, "Dog, you might want to step inside in a minute. It's going to get a little hard to breath." An alarm begins to go off on the ship.

"Is this a submarine?" asked Steve.

"Really?" Bruce snorted as they walked over to the edge. "They want me in a submerged, pressurized metal container?" They looked over the edge and I smiled as they looked a little shocked. "Oh, no. This is much worse," he shouted as the ship began to lift up off the water.

"Come on," Tasha said waving them to fallow. I glared at her and she stopped and glared back at me. "What?"

"What is your deal," I ask shaking my head. "You've got something against me, Natasha?"

"No, nothing at all, other than the fact you don't know how to control yourself," she snapped.

I stepped closer, my eyes changing to their yellow form, "You want to see me out of control, Tash? Do you really? Because I could rip you to pieces," I growled. "I'm not the only one with red on my record, Tasha. Just remember that when you go pointing fingers at the corrupt." I then turned and stalked into the bridge.

I plunked down in a chair at the main table, waiting for them to catch up. Once they did Tasha went to look at some computers while Bruce hid in the back. Steve walked up, amazed by the technology.

"Gentlemen, Evangeline," Fury said turning to us. Steve handed Fury a ten dollar bill and Fury smirked before putting it in his pocket. He then walked over to Bruce. "Doctor, thank you for coming," he said shaking Bruce's hand.

"Thanks for asking nicely," he looked over at me and I waved. "So, um, how long am I staying?"

"Once we get out hands on the tesseract, you're in the wind."

"Where are you with that?"

Fury points to Phil for him to take over. "We're sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet. Cell phones, laptops. If it's connected to a satellite, it's eyes and ears for us," Phil smiled.

"That's still not gonna find them in time," Tasha put in.

"You have to narrow the field. How many spectrometers do you have access to?" asked Bruce.

"How many are there?" Fury challenged.

Bruce began to remove his coat, "Call every lab you know, tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I'll rough out a tracking algorithm based on cluster recognition. At least we could rule out a few places," he folded his coat over his arm. "Do you have somewhere for me to work?"

"Agent Romanoff. Would you show Dr. Banner to his laboratory, please," Fury asked Tasha.

"You're gonna love it, Doc. We got all the toys," she smirked at him as she walked past him. Bruce followed after her and I propped my feet up on the table.

"Miss Evans," Fury said turning to me. I raised an eyebrow. "I've heard you've been harassing the other agents already."

"I hardly thing harassing is the correct word," I said thoughtfully. "I was just simply...marking my territory," I smirked.

"Eva," Fury sighed leaning against the railing. "You can't be doing this the whole time."

"Why not?" I asked challenging him. "Do I not belong here like the others?" Fury went to say something but I stopped him. "Tell Romanoff to back off, and so will I. I have nothing against her, so why should she be aloud to treat me like shit?" I stood up. "Now, if you don't mind, I have to go get ready for tonight."

"What's tonight?" Steve asked, his arms crossed over his chest as he listened to my rant.

I gave him a sly smile, "Wouldn't you like to know." I then stalked off to my room, which I had been put in before when the only home I had was this stupid ship.

I changed into some old torn shorts and a sports bra. I walked down to a enclosed room and punched in my code and the door opened. I walked inside and over to a large round cage, similar to the one they had built for the Hulk, if it was ever needed. An agent inside opened it up and I stepped inside the container. On one side there was a table with a needle sitting on top. I took it and stuck it in my arm without hesitation. I winced as i pushed the fluid into my arm. I pulled the needle back out and looked up at the open ceiling of the ship. The only thing that would stop me from jumping out was a bullet proof glass above my head.

The sun had set and I felt the trembles from my spin shake through my arms and legs. I rotated my neck, my fangs dropping down. I looked up and saw my faint reflection of myself and my bright yellow eyes. My nails began to grow and my heart began to pick up it's pace. I grunted in pain before falling to my knees, clutching my head. I let out screams as my body began to change and eventually I blacked out, leaving the wolf in me alive and awake.


~Third POV~

Bruce had one arm crossed over his stomach while the other rested on it, holding his chin in his hand. Evangeline paced back and forth in her cage. She seemed calm enough but whenever anyone stepped foot in the room she would begin to attack the glass.

"Do you think you can help her?" Fury asked, his arms crossed. "She's able to be in control when the moon isn't full. It's just nights like tonight she blacks out and never remembers what's happened."

Bruce looked over at Fury before looking back at the wolf. "I'd need some blood to examine, figure out what goes on when she's like this. See if I can reduce the animal instinct. It'll have to be more than one trial though. And I'm sure she wont quite enjoy that."

"No," sighed Fury. "But there's got to be something. She hates blacking out, not knowing who shes hurt in that time, what shes done." Fury shook his head and stepped out of the room.

Bruce looked back down at the pacing animal. It was an animal. There was no trace of Evangeline left in its eyes. It was all wolf. And it scared Bruce. Was that how he looked? He didn't want to know. All he did know is, if that's how he looked and someone could change that....he would want them to. And he was going to.
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