This You Can Keep

Kiss My Eyes and Lay Me To Sleep

Loki laid on the floor of his cell, the cold stone chilling him to the bone but he didn't bother getting up. All he could think about was her. The pretty little mortal who promised him her heart. He tried to ignore the stab of guilt as he remembered his own promise, to keep it.
Naomi promised herself to him, and he had taken everything she had to give. She had loved him even, more deeply than any being before. His stomach clenched painfully as he remembered his promise that he would return to her as a king, to bring her to him to be his queen. A promise he had broken.
He heard the mumblings outside his cell, even heard his name called, but he did not stir. He heard the words "ill" and "dying" but they meant little to him.
Loki let himself pretend that she had not loved him and that he was not in love with her now. He forced the image of her happy with a faceless man onto himself. It was easier in some ways. He could make himself steel, pretend he hated her now, but it made his insides burn. He wanted to forget, but he knew he could never forget her, he could just hope that maybe she could forget him, that she go on and be happy.
He remembered the night after she promised her heart to him, how she begged him to sing to her. He had smiled and continued to stroke the bare skin of her hip. He promised that he would sing to her one day. Another promise he had broken. He winced at the thought.
His eyes slipped closed as he felt a warm hand on his cheek. "You bastard," a voice whispered above him. "Don't you dare die. Don't you dare die on me, you son of a bitch."
His thin lips cracked as he smiled, and he ran a dry tongue over them before he began to speak. "You're here." His eyes opened to find Naomi kneeling beside him, long brown hair hanging like a curtain, cutting off his sight from everything but her.
"I never break a promise," Naomi answered, laying down on the stone beside him, laying her head on his thin chest. "I promised you my heart, and you promised you would keep it. Don't you die and leave me here."
"Then promise me one thing?" He asked.
"Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep."
"You get yourself better," she breathed, reaching up to press a kiss against his lips. He sighed, content to have her near. On the cold stone floor, they both fell asleep, holding onto each other.
Naomi woke up to a cold Loki, stiff and unfeeling. She shook him. "Loki, wake up. Wake up, goddamnit! You fucking bastard!" she screamed. "Wake the fuck up!"
Loki was still, moving only as she moved him. She felt for a pulse, to hear his heartbeat beating steadily, a reassurance of the future, but there was nothing. "I thought you needed me," she whispered. "Think me naive, but that's what I thought." She placed a kiss on his brows. "I promised you a heart, you promised to keep," she whimpered, pulling his limp, unmoving body into his arms.