Status: Sorry guys, school's been hectic. D: I'm going to try and write more this weekend!

My Sweet Honeybee

Carter Adams led the perfect life with both of her parents and younger sister, Hadley. That is, until her father died in an untimely car crash and her mother decided they were moving to the other end of the country. Now seventeen, Carter must balance a full course load at University, raise her younger sister, and deal with the slews of men her mother has become accompanied with ever since the move. And to top it all off, for the past two years Carter's been harboring a secret that has compelled her to push everyone apart from her sister away. But what happens when she meets the infamous Liam Payne and they immediately hit it off? Will she be able to let someone else into her life or will she finally crack under all the pressure?

**I own all original characters and the plot.**