Status: Active!

Repeating Apologies

Still YDG'N

I could hear knocking from the front door and it didn't sound like Dani was going to get up and get it and I really didn't want to. Maybe, if I just laid here they'll go away. The knocking came again but much harder than before. I growled then rolled out of my bed. I stumbled towards the door and opened it without seeing who it was. Bad decision because the door was pushed into and I was slammed into the door.

"Hey whore. Where have you been?" Blake shouted as he pushed into me. He grabbed my throat and started to choke me. I was kicking him and trying really hard to get away from him.

"Fuck off, Blake." I heard Dani shout. Then he dropped to the ground. I looked over at Dani and saw her holding a pan.

"I'm calling the cops, Jess. I swear, if you go back to him we are no longer friends." She said. I only looked down. I stepped away from Blake and listened to Dani on the phone with the police. I hated Blake, I really did but something about him always pulls me back no matter how much he beats me. Dani looked at me with a frown.

"I'm serious, Jess. I can't fucking keep doing this for you." She said. I nodded then went into the kitchen and wait for the police to get here. They arrived and we had to make statement and things. It was one big fucking headache if you asked me but Blake would no longer be bugging me because I was getting a restraining order on him. I watched them handcuff and walked Blake out.

"I'll get you, whore." He mouthed. Dani hugged me. I am an idiot. I really am. Things went back to normal if that is in possible. There was nothing normal about me. I'm a loser.

"Go, get some sleep. We're going to the beach tomorrow." Dani said before pushing me lightly towards my room. I smiled then went to my room. I was surprised that I could actually sleep. Blake coming in like that was a weekly thing and today was the finally day. I was fed up with his shit.


Morning came quicker than I expected. I was being woken up by Dani beating on my door telling me to hurry the fuck up so we can get to the beach. Honestly, I couldn't wait to get to the beach. I loved the beach. I love swimming. It was the best feeling. I showered real fast then put my swim suit on. I pulled my hair up as much as I could. I pulled on my clothes then grabbed my beach towl.

"Are you ready, Jess?" Dani asked.

"Yeah, I am." I said walking out of my room. Dani smiled then grabbed her bag and keys. We walked out to her car. We drove about thirty minutes to get to the beach. We walked around until we found a spot on the beach where a group of guys were tossing a football back and forth. We were far from them so we wouldn't be intruding on them. I stepped out of my clothes and unfolding my towl and putting it on the sand then sitting on it. Dani was already laying on hers.

"It's a nice day out, don't you agree?" Dani asked. I nodded.

"You going into the water any?" I asked. She shrugged.

"You never do so don't even fucking shrug." I said before standing up and walking towards the water. I stood there and watched the waves crash at my feet. I loved it here.

"Are you okay?" I heard a voice. I looked over and saw a guy with dark hair and a body full of tattoo's.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

"You look sad." He said.

"Well, sir. You don't know me so you don't really know." I laughed.

"That is true. How about I introduce myself? I'm Austin." He said sticking his hand out for me to shake. I raised an eyebrow at him. He looked familiar but I just couldn't place him.

"Hi Austin, I'm Jess." I said taking his hand in mine and shaking. He smiled once we let go of each others hand and he turned to look out into the ocean again. I turned my head aswell and it was soon silent between the two of us.
♠ ♠ ♠
And the first chapter has been posted and it sucks. I'm sorry. Chapter two will be better. Trust me. I'm never good with first chapters.

Beach outfit