Sequel: High Tide
Status: Finished.


~Twenty: Explanation~

I woke up early Monday morning and unwrapped my tangled body from a sleepy Tristan. I snuck my way to my car and got my spare clothes I kept in the trunk. I returned to the small house and took a hot shower. My hips ached a little, but I ignored it. I cleaned myself from head to toe. I really felt free. I really dumped Jason. I got out and brushed my teeth with a spare toothbrush I found in one of the sink drawers. Tristan walked in to see me wrapped in nothing but a towel. He kissed my cheek and smirked.

"If every day was like this, I would die a happy old man," he said. He looked and seemed happier than usual. I probably was too. He turned on the shower and stripped right in front of me. I turned away, giving him some privacy and realized then that it didn't matter. I had already seen him naked before. I finished brushing my teeth and I put my clothes on. I sighed. I only had a cami fora shirt and the school would bust me if I just wore this. I thought of putting my old shirt back on and then dismissed the thought. I went to Tristan's closet and pulled out a hoodie. It came to mid thigh and the sleeves were long, but I didn't give a crap. It was comfy, warm, and smelt like Tristan's cologne. I liked it. Tristan came out of the shower and got out his clothes. He quickly dressed and got his keys.

"Isn't that–never mind," he said referring to his hoodie I was wearing. He shook his head.

"What?" I asked looking down at myself. Tristan came over and kissed me.

"You look so cute," he said a bit huskily, "like always." I blushed and got my keys, but he took them from me.

"Then how do I get to school?" I pouted.

"I'm driving us," he smirked, "I want people to know you are with me." I gave in.Jeez, men are so possessive, but I had to admit. Tristan looked hot when he was jealous or when he said things like this. I got in the Impala and we drove off to school.

As soon as we arrived people were already staring and murmuring. So word had gotten out. I could see some girls were relieved. Jason was was almost every girls dream guy. I got more stares when Tristan and I walked with each other to class. First period I felt self conscious. All the girls I would usually sit with seemed on edge. They were still nice to me, though. By second I was glad to see Mel eagerly waiting for me.

"Clary," she said sternly, "is it true?" She looked a little worried.

"Is what true?" I asked not really sure what rumors were going around about me.

"Well, first, did you and Jason break up and second are you going out with Tristan?" she asked.

"Yes and yes," I confirmed. She gasped and looked hurt.

"I didn't think it was real? What the hell happened?" she said digging for details.

"Nothing much. Jason and I just weren't meant to last," I lied.

"Bullshit," she said. "You guys seemed so happy and in love. Something happened. Was it Tristan? Did he seduce you?" she spat.

"No. No! Tristan did nothing like that he helped me," I said.

"What!? It sounds like you guys were conspiring against him," she said getting a little angry.

"It was nothing like that," I snapped.

"Then tell me," she pushed. I sat there and looked down. I couldn't tell her. She'd definitely confront Jason and get herself killed and myself too. I sighed.

"Look let's talk about this somewhere else," I suggested. She huffed a little, but nodded.

"I'll be at your house tonight by 6:30," she confirmed.

"Alright," I agreed. The bell rang and I left for next period. Andrew said nothing to me. He looked at me disappointedly while Jackie congratulated me on seducing Tristan. I didnt really care for her so I just let her ramble on until the period ended.

"You okay?" Tristan asked as he walked me to my fourth period. I was a little jumpy for this period, but delta little relief when I saw that Jason wasn't here. He probably didn't come to school. I glanced at Tristan and saw a look of relief on his face. So he knew too.

"I'll be fine," I said giving a quick kiss. In fourth period I patiently waited for the end of class before joining Tristan with his friends for lunch. There was Elliot, who had spiky bleach blonde hair and green eyes. He was really tall and thin. He was also pale. He looked ghostly. Turns out he was albino. He wore contacts to hide his red eyes. There was his girlfriend, Harley, who was short, had fire red hair, green eyes, and had an hour glass figure. Then there was Max. He looked normal with his light brown hair and brown eyes. He was gay and his boyfriend, Alex, was there. Alex showed the more darker side with his gothic like clothes. It was an odd pairing. All that was left was a girl named Emily. She had blonde hair and brown eyes. She looked the most normal out of the whole group. They welcomed me and it seemed they all knew of Jason's secret.

"That asshole needs to be taught a lesson," said Harley. She had a mouth and was hot tempered.

"Damn right," said Alex, "but I gotta admit, I'd still do that sexy piece of ass any day." I choked on my water a little.

"So, how do you all know about Jason's secret?" I asked.

"He abused a friend of mine after that shit happened with Sophie," said Harley, "he used her as a rebound. He was also drunk of his ass."

"Max and I were making out in the boys locker room after school when we heard a girl screaming," said Alex, "Jason had her in a choke hold. He had lost his temper with her because he claimed she was stalking him."

"Emily and I just heard about it from them," said Elliot.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that," Emily said. She looked at me sincerely and smiled sadly.

"I'm just glad it's over," I smiled.

"Me too," Tristan pipped in. He grabbed my waist and gave me a long, lingering kiss. The bell rang and I continued throughout the day. I wanted seventh period to already start. Turns out Jason was here. He just skipped the classes I was in with him. When seventh did roll around Tristan was waiting there eagerly. He held my waist the whole time as I took notes. Half say through the teacher let us get ready for a lab. Tristan and I would playfully tease each other until the teacher caught us. We laughed it off and continued. He drove me home and promised to get my car. I told him that I was going to tell Mel Jason's secret. It was a perfect opportunity for us to both explain to her. Around 6:30 Mel showed up on my porch. Dad was working late. He seemed okay with everything. Much of our past seemed, well, in the past. Tristan showed up a few minutes later.

"So what the hell is going on?" she asked.

"Jason's been hurting her," said Tristan. She gasped in surprise and looked over at me. I nodded. I began to tell her everything. From when it started, to my affair, and so on until now, I told her everything. She cried a little and sobbed. She came over and hugged me.

"I'm so sorry," she said, "I'm so sorry. I was the one that set you guys up and I ended up hurting you."

"It's okay," I said, "you didn't know." Tristan got her a tissue. When everything was done we all went outside and talked about things that weren't about Jason. Mel asked me how our relationship was and we gladly replied. It seemed so natural for Tristan and I to be together.

"You know Clary? You've totally got the bad boy wiped," she gushed. Tristan looked a little offended.

"I know. He does everything," I teased, "I don't have to lift a finger."

"Where can I get one of those?" she asked.

"Hey!" Tristan pouted. Mel and I laughed. Everything was perfect, for now.
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Still more to come! Thank you to all my subscribers and commenters!

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