Sequel: High Tide
Status: Finished.


~Two: A Good Book Interrupted~

Ever read a really good book? That's all I could ask for this Sunday morning walk into town. I had gotten to the good part where this girl was being chased by her creepy exboyfriend. I was so absorbed into my book, I hadn't realized a person skating down the hill screaming. I knocked into the person and we bothI fell over. My book wide open in the front yard of the house I was walking by.

"Ow. You okay?" asked a girl my age. She rubbed her bruised shoulder and frowned at her bleeding knee.

"Yeah," I said "and you?" My head was throbbing.

"Yeah, just cuts and bruises. I'm Mel," she said holding out her hand. She looked nice with her dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was pretty with her long legs and slim model figure.

"Clary, I just moved in," I said shaking her hand.

"I see your headed into town. Mind if I join you? I can show you around too," she said smiling. Her smile was bright and happy.

"Yeah, sure," I smiled back as we walked into town. The book remained on the lawn.
♠ ♠ ♠
So it's just a filler and Clary made a new friend. Actually got three chapters in today!!! If I can I'll write another chapter today, but no guarantees on that :/

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