Status: Stoked(:


Hey Big Spender

The music was loud. Too loud for her comfort. She had taken residence on the bottom stair, watching the mass of people dance. Each person pushing themselves onto a stranger, a possible partner for the night. Not her though. This wasn’t her type of thing. She wanted the alcohol, but nothing else. She couldn’t believe her friend had convinced her it would be a good idea. She’d much rather be at home or walking downtown. All she could do was wait until her friend popped up, hopefully ready to leave.

Summer had come quickly. School was out and everyone was ready to party. Almost everyone. She wasn’t ready to be drug along to parties that were thrown by people she didn’t know. Marlow always insisted. Every summer since eighth grade, Marlow would find parties for the two girls to attend. Bree couldn’t stand it, but in order to keep Marlow happy, she tagged along anyways.

The night was still young; only 10:35 pm. Marlow was having a blast. Drink in one hand and some boy’s fingers in the other; it was a good night. She wondered about Bree and if she was having a good time. Marlow knew that partying wasn’t Bree’s favorite thing to do, but Bree always came with her, so Marlow never thought too much into it. Marlow’s attention quickly returned to the boy she was walking with as he pulled her close to him and moved his hips into hers. She quickly got the feel for the rhythm and was dancing closely with him. She didn’t know his name and she didn’t want to. She just wanted to dance.

Bree had caught a glimpse of Marlow and saw she was dancing. She sighed as she pushed herself off the stair and started her way over. She was bumping into people left and right, trying to keep Marlow in her sights. As she reached the dancing couple, Bree saw the smile on Marlow’s face. Marlow always had such a good time at these parties. Carefully, Bree touched Marlow’s shoulder, the boy not ever glancing at Bree once. Marlow opened her eyes and beamed at Bree. Bree flashed a look of annoyance towards Marlow. Marlow instantly detached herself from her dancing partner.

“Already?” Marlow asked with venom almost lacing her question. Bree shook her head in compliance.

The two laced hands and made their way to the door of the house. The music was not quite as loud here as it was in the other room. Neither had bothered looking at the décor of the house or even bothered with the landscape. Swiftly, Bree led Marlow to her car. Marlow had a hard time searching her purse for her keys in the dark. After a few moments of shuffling, Marlow had found them and unlocked the car.

A smile graced Bree’s face as she rode in silence with her best friend.

Marlow could only think that another night had been ruined because her best friend was an introvert.

Things were getting old and fast.
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I'm back(:
It's short, I'm sorry for that.
Next chapter will be longer.
It's just an opener.

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