Carry on, Wayward Dean

Chapter Three

Dean was at a nice cruising speed on the empty road, heading north to unexplored territory. As far as he knew, Lucifer was heading south of the USA, and Dean just wanted to stay away from him. Less zombies would be nice too, but there was no guarantee that Canada would give that to him as well. Around a sharp corner was a crashed car, but Dean avoided it easily because he wasn’t driving as fast as he used to. Cas looked away from the bloodied sight and soon reached into the pocket of his jeans to retrieve a small plastic container, hoping the drug could relieve his emotional pain.

“Cas, come on, don’t do that,” Dean protested impatiently.

“Why not, Dean? All we’re doing is driving for days on end, occasionally stopping to attempt to find food, salt, weapons and drugs-”

“Only you want the drugs,” Dean quickly interrupted.

“-and I just don’t see the point in being bored out of my mind all day! At least this makes it bearable!” the angel finished as he unscrewed the lid. Dean sighed as he slowed down, now entering a town that had empty cars littering the main road. This never would happen with Sam. Or the old Castiel, for that matter. His slight happiness had really gone downhill…

“Hey, what’s that up ahead? Are they alive?” Dean wondered. Cas was in the middle of pouring the pills into his palm, but stopped and looked up. As they got closer, they noted they were definitely looking at zombies who were trying to break their way into a general store.

“There must be someone in there, and they must be attracting them,” Cas remarked. He put his pills away as Dean pulled the car over and turned off the engine. None of the monsters noticed. Dean opened his mouth to speak again, but a loud gunshot rang out and shocked him a little, followed by an increase in zombie activity. They were going to break down that front door soon.

“Someone’s alive. Let’s go,” Dean ordered as he reached into the backseat. His hands found a shotgun just as another shot sounded.

“Do we have to? There’s a few more than I first thought…” Cas whinged, not moving.

“God damn it Cas! Don’t be a selfish son of a bitch and help those innocent people!” Dean shouted before getting out of the car.

“I’m not made for doing this,” Cas complained, but nonetheless got a pistol in one hand and a large knife in the other and followed Dean. They walked confidently up to the zombies and managed to shoot a few quite easily. Brains splattered onto the pavement and against the store windows. That drew the attention of most of the other ones at the front of the building.

“Come on! Come an’ get me! I taste gooood!” Dean yelled. More of the undead turned to face the newcomers and started heading in their direction, only to have their potential meal kill them once and for all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Who likes what Dean said at the end? Haha

Would love to read some more comments! :)