Status: Active :)

If I'm Louder

The Affect


I wake up to five bodies jumping around on my bed. I hear Niall strumming his guitar in the background as all of the others jump around on my bed singing at the top of their lungs. "WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP! IT"S TIME TO WAAAAAAKKKKEEEE UPPPPP!" Ugh I hate that stupid song. I also hate the fact that they sing it so well. "I hate you all." I say groaning and hiding my face under a pillow only to have that pillow yanked away. "Come on Angel. You have to wake up it's already bloody noon! We have to pack and get on the road." Liam explains. Why are we packing you might ask? Well we're going on a worldwide tour. I really am excited not only am I going to travel the world doing what I love but i'm doing it with my best friends. I just hate being woken up. "Alright fine. But I wish you gits would find a nicer way to wake me up instead of that stupid song. Now get out of my room so I can get ready. They all muttered a fine and left I even heard a sorry come from zayn.

I started to undress but when i turned around I saw Niall staring at me. I let out a little scream and he starts laughing at me almost falling out of the chair he was sitting in. "Shut up! It's not funny you scared the crap outta me." I yelled. Still laughing he says,"Oh my gosh you should have saw your face! It was priceless." I loved his laugh it was just so loud and unique. "Shut up Niall. Now get I have to get ready." "Oh come on A it's not like I haven't seen you naked before." That brings a blush to my face which isn't very hard to see since I have a pale complexion much like Niall's. "That was when we were little Niall. I didn't have boobs then." "That's true. But, don't forget the time we played truth or dare with the lads and you had to strip." He said with a big smirk on his face. Yes One Direction have seen me naked. I'm not shy about my body though. I like it i'm not to skinny but i'm not fat either as Harry likes to put it i'm "curvy in all the right places." Sounds like something he would say huh? "Get out!" I proceed to push the chuckling blonde out of my room and lock the door. "Finally some privacy" I mutter to myself. I don't get much privacy seeing as i'm one of the top actresses in the world and a singer who's touring with One Direction. It doesn't help that i'm with the boy's almost 24/7. Don't get me wrong I love them to death they're just a lot to handle. Sometimes it's just nice to be alone. Thankfully my girls are keeping me sane. My two best friends ,besides the boys of course, are Danielle Peazer and Elanor Calder. I talk to Perrie sometimes but we're not that close.

I decide to dress casual since we'll be on a plane all day and probably all night so I wear my 1D sweatpants and matching sweatshirt. I pull my hair into a messy bun and decide to skip the make up. Niall always says I don't need it but he just says that because he's my best friend. I grab the empty suitcases from my closet and set them open, on the floor. I proceed to put my things into them. I have a system dresses and formal wear in the gold suitcase, casual wear in the red, shoes in the silver, pajamas, underwear, and swimsuits in the blue, Purses and accessories in the yellow, make up, hair products, and etc in the green, and finally my phone, laptop, ipod, ipad, kindle, and chargers in the silver one. The number of bags is kind of ironic considering there's six of them and six of us. After making sure I have everything I need I text the boys.
Group message to: Daddy Direction, Boobear, Hazza, Nialler<3, and Dj
Oh wonderful best friends whom I love so much come upstairs pretty
please? =) Love You!!

After about two minutes I hear footsteps coming toward my room. The door opens and they all walk in. "Really? Why couldn't you have just walked downstairs?" Harry asked sarcastically. "That would have been stupid. I would have just had to walk right back up here. Anyways, I'm done packing." They look at my bags and their eyes widen. "Angel what all are you bringing? We're going on tour not moving." Louis says. "I'm only bringing the stuff I need. This isn't even half of the stuff I have trust me. Now grab a bag and get moving babes." They sigh but do as I say. I reach for one but Niall just grabs it, winks, and walks out the door. Does that boy not see what he does to me? Does he not notice the affect he has on me? Well I did and so does everyone else but they never say anything about it. Well at least not when Nialls around but as soon as he leaves the room I get teased endlessly. I'm not sure if Niall's really that clueless or if he's just trying to spare my feelings. Either way i'm grateful.

I walk downstairs and see the guys sitting on the couch waiting on me. They look up and smile. "Yay! you're ready. Now you can feed us!" Niall says excitingly. I roll my eyes and go to the kitchen. I open the fridge and get out eggs, bacon, sausage, and cheese everything I need for my world famous breakfast omelet. Well okay maybe not world famous but it's a big favorite with the guys. I turn around only to walk into a hard chest. I stumble a little bit but he grabs me and steady's me so I don't fall. He then Grabs the ingredients and sits them on the counter. "Thanks Ni. I'm sorry I ran into you. I didn't expect you to be right behind me." I apologize, blushing a little. "It's alright. It was my fault anyway I shouldn't have been right behind you. I just thought you might need some help." He smiles and my heart beats about a mile a minute. "Well you can if you really want to." We then begin to make breakfast after everything is finished I grab some plates and set the table. I turn around only to run into Niall again only this time he holds me there. He leans down and whispers in my ear. "You look beautiful." I smile up at him and say, "I'm in sweats, my hairs up, and I have no make up on. I am not beautiful." "You always look beautiful. Hell you could wear a trash bag and roll around in mud and still look beautiful." For someone as shy as Niall he sure knows how to sweet talk. Does he know the affect he has on me? I look up and realize we are very close. So close that I can smell his cologne and hear him breathe . He was breathing faster then usual which was weird. He looks into my eyes and I swear he's looking straight into my soul. Before I know it he starts to slowly lean down.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well their's the first chapter. I hope you like it so far. I was starting to get writers block with my other story so I decided to start another one. I just have so many ideas running through my head it's hard to decide what ideas to use. Feel free to comment and message me with your ideas and give me some feedback. <3 you all :)