We Are the Wasted Youth


Welcome to our generation where the nights are long, the drugs and alcohol are endless, mental disorders are passed out like candy, a look of apathy on your face is the cool thing, making your parents cry in disappointment, and getting on a path to hell is where it's at. Let me show you around.

Don't look now, there's the slut from school with a positive pregnancy test in her hands. You can bet she got knocked up by some jock at a party she can't even remember going to. You can bet that her entire future is fucked. A baby at seventeen doesn't look good on college applications, does it? Look at how the tears stream down her face, you can bet she wishes she'd been sober enough to make him wrap it. She wishes she'd been sober enough to remember his name.

Oh, and look over there, there's the faggot from art class making out with the star soccer player on his parents' couch. It's too bad that after the soccer player leaves, the faggot has to cry himself to sleep at night because the soccer player has to get drunk or high to come to terms that he's a faggot, too. It's too bad that this very same soccer player beat the shit out of the faggot freshman year for wearing pink shoes while you laughed and cheered him on, telling him "let's play smear the queer!" It's too bad that this poor little faggot can't look at himself after the things he does with that soccer player without being disgusted or ashamed, scrubbing at his skin in the shower until his skin is red.

Turn around, you'll see the fat bitch from middle school stuffing her face. The only difference is, she isn't fat anymore. The only difference is, she shoves her fingers down her throat and makes herself throw it all up again. The only difference is, she's pretty now, and no one knows her nasty little secrets. The only difference is, she makes herself puke because you called her a fat bitch in 7th grade for eating a little too much at that one birthday party. The only difference is, she hate the way food feels sliding down her throat now. The only difference is, she gets satisfaction from watching the scale go down from the 200 pounds it showed in middle school to the 104 pounds it reads now, she gets satisfaction from knowing she can make it go down further.

Look to your left, there's the nerd from your Trigonometry class making out with your girlfriend. What sucks though is your girlfriend, she goes down on him like a cheap slut when you're asleep. What sucks though is she wears too much make-up and it makes cough. What sucks though is her perfume causes him to have an allergic reaction, makes his skin crawl. What sucks though is you think he's tutoring her. What sucks though is he's only doing this to prove that he isn't a little pussy bitch like you said he was when you threw him in the garbage can on freshman Friday.

Now turn to your right, there's the freak from your English class writing his suicide note. Isn't it sad the way tears stream down his face while he tries to decide how to end it all? Isn't it sad how he takes the razor from his sister's razor that she shaves her pubic hair with to make a slash across each damn wrist? Isn't it sad that he's been tortured since elementary school because of you? Isn't it sad how you think your remarks won't hurt him just because you say it's a joke? Isn't it sad how if only one person had been nice to him at school today and just asked him how he was, he wouldn't be sitting where he is right now? Isn't it sad how he's going to be just another teenage tragedy, another statistic when he's gone?

Look over your shoulder, there's the drug addict from your Spanish class snorting blow off some whore's back. Isn't it funny how no one knows his secret but you? Isn't it funny how only you know his secret because you got high with him once? Isn't it funny how even though he stays blown out of his mind, he's still going to be your class valedictorian? Isn't it funny how even though he'll test positive for every drug in the book, he'll be your boss some day? Isn't it funny how if only his step sister hadn't shown him marijuana at 13, he wouldn't be addicted to cocaine now? Isn't it funny that the reason he stays high is to get away from all the fighting his parents do?

Don't forget to look over there, there's the all too close twins from your Chemistry class. Look at how the older one is fucking the younger one up the ass. Look how much they're both enjoying it. Look at all the signs that pointed to it in school. Look how they'd always sneak off during lunch and come back with sex hair and ruffled clothes. Look how there hands would always touch in the most intimate of ways. Look how much trouble they'd be in if they got caught. Look at the lust in your eyes when you look at them. Look at the disgust on your face from what they're doing. Look at the shame in your heart when you find yourself wanting to join them.

And lastly, look at the girl wasting her life away on Tumblr. Don't you think it's pathetic how she sits and reblogs things for an unlimited amount of hours, wishing she looked like that girl, wishing she had those clothes, wishing she were at that party, wishing she were someone else? Don't you think it's pathetic how she's living her life through the lives of other people? Don't you think it's pathetic how she's wasting her life away on a virtual website? Don't you think it's pathetic how she locks herself in her room and reblogs tacky things that are in style because she thinks she's too good for the people around her? Don't you think it's pathetic how she'll probably never meet any of the people she talks to and that they're probably just as pathetic as she is?

We will bring society to its knees. We are corruption. We are sin. We are the hope of the future, and all hope is lost.

We are the wasted youth.
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Uh yeah, I don't know what this is. An attack on society and stereotypes, maybe? Who knows!