Status: Active

The Beauty Within a Beast

To Cover Up Where You Been

Maeson's Point of View

"Maeson?" I smiled at the sweet voice coming from down the end of the hall. This had been the third time I had been asked if it was me, yet I couldn't respond. It was as if my lips couldn't move.

"Maeson, please just answer me." His soft, velvety voice began to grow worried as I tried to find my way through the dimly lit hallway. It was like every step I made the walls grew narrower.

"M-Maeson, I-I need you!" I could hear the pain in agony escalating in his voice as he shouted louder. I tried with all my might to say something but nothing came out.

The barely lit corridor now became darkness as his hurt voice echoed off the closing walls. "Maeson, you promised! You promised to be there for me! Maeson! Maeson!"

The more anxious he sounded, the more the panic feeling settled within me. Finally, I reached the end of the hall, except it wasn't the hall anymore.

No, now I was standing outside that brown, wooden door. I jiggled the doorknob, hoping to God it would be opened. "Maeson, Maeson, Maeson. You actually think the door will open?"

I turned around suddenly to come face to face with that angel like face. He smiled warmly at me as I watched, horrified by his face growing paler and more gaunt looking by the second.

Once again I tried to scream out or say anything to get it to stop but my voice wouldn't work. "Love, I promise it will be okay. Try the door now. Maybe it will work this time."

Nodding, I turned back around to see the once closed door, opened. I whisked around, trying to look at him questionably but all I saw was darkness.

Stepping through the door, I gasped at the sight before me. Blood was coating the white floors, and there laid on the ground was his frail body. "Maeson! How could you!? Why didn't you help me? Why? Why, Maeson, why? Did you want me to die!? Did you? Why?"

I collapsed on the floor next to his bleeding body as he let one single tear roll down his streak. "Y-You s-shoulda g-gotten me h-help."

I closed my eyes as the guilt dripped through my body. When I opened them back up it wasn't the bloody figure looking up at me, it was someone else. We were no longer in that white room, but instead his comfy couch.

"So is Batman okay with you, babe?" I felt myself nodding to his question as he grinned at me, popping in the DVD.

"I love you so much Maeson. I'm so glad you chose me."

And for the first time, I was able to speak. "I love you too. This was the best descision I've ever made."

"Maes? Maeson, please wake up?" I felt my eyelids flutter open and my eyes began adjusting to the light.

"It was just a dream Maes, just a dream." I couldn't say anything though as the sudden memory of my dream hit me.

What the hell had I just dreamt of?
♠ ♠ ♠
Once again sorry this took so long! Thank you to Clara. for your comment. Oh and question: who do you think the two different people she sees in her dream are?

Speaking of commenters, I have 16 subscribers but only 1 person who is willing to comment, which to me is sort of ridiculous. I'm not asking a lot, and I am so very thankful for that one commenter and all of your subscriptions but if you just drop a comment or something telling me your opinion or what you think of the story, criticism, whatever it would make me the happiest girl on the planet

Okay that is all, thanks for reading I hope you enjoy.

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