Papa Don't Preach, I'm Keeping My Baby


Why did I do this? Why? I kept asking myself this, over and over again. My life is ruined now. Everyone will think I'm totally slutty because I got myself pregnant. How will I tell my parents? How will I tell Daddy? Tears rolled down my face and into my hands.

My name is Daniella. I'm usually called Dani though. I'm sixteen, which is pretty young to get pregnant. I never meant for it to happen! I just... lost myself. I thought I loved him...

So, I've known that I'm pregnant for awhile now. Two months maybe? I have a teeny baby bump but it hardly shows. I wear baggy band tees a lot anyways so it isn't noticeable. But lately my mother has been getting suspicious with all my morning sicknesses. I want to tell my parents! I truly do! But, if you saw how happy their faces are... I just don't want to make them angry. If I told them they might kick me out like so many other pregnant teenagers parents. I love my parents and I don't want to leave them. But, I know I have to tell them. They're not stupid, they'll figure out themselves that I'm pregnant when I have a gigantic tummy!

I'm so confused and scared right now. I think I need to tell them or else I'm on my own. I can't stand to be on my own, I need help.
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How is the first chapter?