Papa Don't Preach, I'm Keeping My Baby


After a long hour of talking to our babies, Mitch finally introduced me to his band. There was:
Chelsea the drummer and vocals, Troy the base player, Sam the keyboard player and vocals, and Mitch the lead vocalist.

"Will you sing a song for me?" I asked, timidly. Happily, they did, and performed Teenagers by My Chemical Romance. They rocked, and seemed to really enjoy it. I loved how original their voices sounded.

"Wow, I loved it!" I clapped, once it was over. "But-"

"Uh-oh. Buts are not good." Troy said.

"Do you have one that you've written... that I could hear?" I said, ignoring Troy's comment.

"Um, no. You see, this is only our... what second get-together, right guys?" Sam said. Evveryone nodded.

"We've been wanting to be a band for awhile, but we only just started." Mitch said. I got up and walked over to the mike.

"May I?" I asked. Mitch nodded. I took the mike from him, and tapped my foot, standing there for a minute. I got a song in my head, soon enough. I moved my way to the keyboard, showing Sam my beat, and pretty soon the whole band was playing it. All I had to do was sing.

'Here I am.
Hurt and lost.
I paid the cost,
To have you.
But you never wanted
My heart.
And you fell apart
When you discovered
You got more
Than you were in for.
Next time don't be
So charming.
I thought I found
The one who's worth
Having around
But no...
You let go.
We couldn't be.
Not when our hearts
Are so young...
This is the end
I won't pretend.
Now we'll be...
Friends.' I put the microphone down, and smiled. Everyone was looking at each other, and I blushed like a hot pink crayon.

"I-I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have even sang. I know, my voice-"

"No, No, No... It was good." Chelsea interrupted.

"Good? It was frickin' awesome! It made me hot!" Troy screamed. He played a little tune on his guitar and stuck his tongue out.

"Mitch, you're lucky to have such a pretty girl like her..." Sam began. "She's sexy, awesome singer, and," Sam leaned in to whisper to Mitch.

"Hey!" Mitch cried, laughing. "And for your info, Sam, Dani is awesome in bed." Everyone laughed, while I sat there, trying to hide behind the couch. His attention turned to me. "Since when did Dani, my Dani, sing?" He asked me, smiling. I was now as red as a tomato.

"I just sing along, I've never had lessons..." I trailed off.

"Guys, we need to talk serious business." Chelsea said. They went into the kitchen, and I heard mumbles, but only caught some sentences.

"...really good..."

"should we... she's good."

"...don't know..."

"Mitch, c'mon!"

"Will she be okay with it?"


They came back into the living room, eventually.

"Dani, will you join our band, Dirty Nothing?" Mitch asked. I grinned. (note: don't steal band name, it's MINE!)

"Sure!" I said. We spent the rest of the night jamming, but we were forced to move to the garage. I agreed to be lead and song-writer with Mitch.

Life was suddenly getting better.
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Tell me how you liked it, I was feeling a little uneasy.