Papa Don't Preach, I'm Keeping My Baby


It was Saturday morning, and I was not feeling well. I rushed to the toilet and threw up. I felt someone pull my hair back for me, and hand me a glass of water when I was finished.

Flushing the toilet, I gulped down the water. My mom sat down next to me, on the floor. She looked at me, and opened her mouth to speak, but stopped herself.

"Mom, if you have something to say, say it, okay?" I snapped.

"Honey, I understand how you're feeling right now. I know the stress, the morning sickness, the roller coaster ride of emotions. I just wanted to sa-"

"Mom," I cut her off. "How could you possibly understand how it feels to be a pregnant teenager?"

"I actually can understand. When I was 13, I was raped by my 15 year old boyfriend. I was pregnant with his baby and decided to get an abortion. It was very painful, and I never would ever have done if I knew how hurtful it would be- mentally and physically. I came very close to not being able to have another child ever, but the Lord blessed me with you." My mother said calmly. I gaped at her. I knew she had lost one of her babies, but I had never heard this story.

"B-b-but... I-I thought it was a... miscarriage!" I said. She shook her head and smiled sadly.

"No," She stated. "I never thought I'd have to tell you that story, that I would ever have to relate to you." She hugged me, and I embraced her.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I never thought I would even let myself go that far. But, I really do love him, mom."

"I know. I think you two should be together, still." She surprised me.

"But... Dad--"

"I'll talk to him, don't you worry. I love you. And you're baby." She smiled.

~2 months later~
"C'mon, Dani, get out here! You're gonna be late for you're appointment!" My dad yelled into the bathroom. He always talked to me like that now.

"I'm coming! Hold you're frickin' horses!" I yelled.

I applied some lip gloss, hoping I looked okay. My baby bump was bigger now. I showed through my black tank top. My jeans and bra, were getting tight. In fact, everything was getting tight.

I came out of the bathroom, finally, only to be yelled at more. I was having my first ultra-sound today, and they'd tell me if it's a girl or boy, and see if it's okay, etc.

"So sweetie," Mom said, once we were in the car. "What do you think you'll name it?"

"I'm not sure. I need to know if it's a girl or boy first."

We arrived, not much later, and took our seats in the waiting room.

"Daniella, we're ready for you." Said the lady at the counter, smiling. My mom and I followed her into a room where she sat us down, asked some questions, and then left us waiting for another ten minutes or so. Finally, Dr. Carr came in, smiling.

"Hello, Dani, how are you today???" She asked while slipping some gloves on.

"I'm fine."

"Good! Now, I'm going to ask you to lift up you're shirt... there you go!" She rubbed some lotion stuff on my stomach and then put the ultra-sound thingy on it.

"How far along are you?" She asked.

"4 months." My mother answered.

"Okay, so, there's your little one, right there... aaaannnd... it's a..." She paused, and I squinted my eyes at the picture on the screen.
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Any ideas???