Papa Don't Preach, I'm Keeping My Baby


"What do you want to name them?" My mom asked, after I had slurped the rest of my milkshake. It took a moment for me to answer.

"I was thinking Chase or Cameron for the boy... and maybe... Madison for the girl? I kind of want to talk about it with Mitch first... although, he might not care..." I trailed off.

"Call him, then." Mom said.

"What? Now?" I asked.

"Yeah, now! Go into the ladies room and talk to him about it, if it makes you feel better." She said, sounding as if nothing was weird about it at all. Against my will, I called him.

"Hello?" Said a females voice into the phone. I froze.

"I-I... I'm calling for Mitch please?" My voice was hoarse.

"Oh ok." I heard a shuffle and a soft 'Mitch' and then a groggy voice.

"Whaaa?" Mitch said.

"Mitch, it's your supposedly "girlfriend"." I said, angry.

"Dani? What do you mean supposedly?" He asked, sounding fully awake now.

"You think I don't know about who just answered the phone? I wasn't born yesterday! First it's me you get in bed... who next? I should never-"

"Dani, Dani, DANI!!! Shut up!" Mitch cut me up. "I wasn't cheating on you!"

"Then... then... who answered the phone?" I asked, confused.

"I was planning on telling you about it," He said. "I started a band and that girl was Chelsea, the drummer." He stated.

"Oh, I'm sorry, baby. Really-"

"It's alright, hon." He sighed. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"I just got back from an ultra-sound." I said. "And well, we're having twins."

"We are???" I heard him yell. He also shouted a few choice words. But the part that made me happiest is that he didn't say something like 'we? what do you mean we?'. He actually wanted to be apart of it.

"I'm havin' twins!" He yelled at people in the background. I heard things like 'Wooh!' and 'Go Mitch!' and 'You must've been bizzaaayyy!!!'. I laughed.

"What are they?" He asked, once he was breathing normally.

"A girl, and a boy." I said. "Any name ideas?" I asked.

"Whatever you want is okay with me." He said.

"Maddie and Cameron sound okay???" I asked.

"Perfect. Now get over here so I can kiss you and my babies!!!" He ordered.

"Okay." I said, and hung up the phone.
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Last chapter for about a week! Sorry!