Status: Done!

I'm Low on Gas and I Need a Jacket

I'm The Secret

Jaime's POV 

I went downstairs to make me some breakfast, and 5 in the morning. I didn't exactly sleep well. Not well at all. I was tossing and turning, and having weird dreams. I even had one where Dan was having a baby inside of the Harry Potter school, I think Mike calls it Hogwarts or some shit. Talk about ridiculous.
I went in my kitchen to make some eggs and all I could think about was me and Vic's confrontation in a few hours. 
"We were fucking best friends since high school, why is this so fucking hard?" I said to myself as I headed to the fridge. I pulled them out and opened the carton, empty.
"Now why the fuck did I put this back in the fucking refrigerator," I was getting real tired of my own shit, I just made some cereal and watched some Toy Story while eating it. 
The entire time, I couldn't fully enjoy the movie;Not knowing that if I had any balls at all, Vic would be sitting next to me, laughing and cursing me out that I woke up so early.
"This is so pathetic," I thought turning off the movie and putting my bowl in the sink.
I slowly went back to my room and decided to shower. That's what I always did when I was sad, and most of the time it worked.
I hoped in the shower and began to hum, the word secret was stuck in my head and I began to sing quietly...

'And i just fell in the deep end, like a lush without your weekend
but i wrote this for you kid. its not what i wanted, i need it.
but man its a long trip, from all the crazy things I've seen in this world
I'm blessed, I guess.'

I laughed at myself, and washed myself...

'But what if i was a secret, and you couldn't keep it.
and i swear i saw something good in your eyes before.
and if i sang it in the right key and i asked you politely
for you to find a way home.

I find it difficult to sleep when all the walls they just seem to speak to me.
and its kind of funny that I laugh because my hearts so fucked up
I can barely stand the sights and sounds of the cars outside, the red and greens on the traffic lights. the only thing I got is this, the only thing I want is this...
memories that make me smile, a girl to stand there so she can admire the way i
can never ever really keep my hands to myself. but the alcohol it taste so sweet, when its mixed with lies and defeat of all the battles I lost and lost again.'

'But what if you were the secret, and I didn't see it
and I swear to god I wish these thoughts of mine
could create the sunshine as beautiful as your eyes
I'd paint this night sky.
and its not like you need this, I just wanted you to see it

"Hey, that's not bad,"I turned off the water,"I just wonder what I can call it."
While, I dried myself and my hair, I hummed the tone. I found some underwear and walked around my house without pants, while singing parts of the song. The whole morning, I was thinking about a title for that song.
"Seriously Jaime," yes, I speak in third person when I frustrate myself,"you can come up with an entire song in the shower but can't think of a fucking title. Logic.."

Vic's POV

Me and Mike were driving to go get Jaime, I was in the back seat and the butterflies in my stomach would not calm the fuck down.
"Big bro, just don't puke in the car okay?"
"Fuck you, Mike. I'm not even that nervous," LIE.
"Vic, you have not stopped shaking you're legs and you haven't spoken since we left the house. You are nervous bro, I actually haven't seen this nervous since you went to that college."
I sighed, I hated when my little brother could see the secrets I was trying to hide.
"Look, just don't act nervous. Everything get's worse when you're nervous," he said.
"I'm trying bro, I just can't..."
"Would you like me to stop and get like a some nachos or whatever?"
I smiled,"No, god no. Food is the last thing I need right now. Thanks though, my brother's so sweet."
I laughed and did a deep voice,"Aww yeah you're tough!"

We pulled up to Jaime's house and Mike beeped.
I tapped Mike,"Dude, it's only one."
"Yeah, but I like to fuck with him."
"But...Mike...he's has a clock in his room.."
"Umm well," he said, I face palmed,"Go get 'em then, Mr. He-Has-A-Clock-In-His-Room."
My eyes grew wide, and I shook my head,"What?! Why not?"
"Don't ask Mike, can you just go get him?"
"Okay Mr.Awkward," he got out and walked to Jaime's door. He answered it in my favorite outfit of his: dark skinny jeans, an A Day to Remember shirt, his sandals and a beanie. My eyes widened and I could hear my heart practically beat out of my chest. Mike pointed towards me and Jaime waved at me.I just smiled and began to rock back and forth. I rubbed my calves repeatedly, why was I so nervous.
"This is ridiculous, I'm making it obvious,"I thought. I stopped the rocking, rubbing my calves, and put I put my feet up. I scratched my beanie, and pulled my knees to my chest. I took a deep breath, and mumbled,"This won't be so bad."
Just then, there was a knock on the window. It was Jaime. My eyes widened again. NOPE.
He opened the door,"Whazzup!" he said.
I smiled,"Whazzzup son!"
He climbed in the back seat with me, and I couldn't help my smile.
"Jaime, your shirt is rad as fuck man,"I said as naturally as I could.
"I know, you say that every time I wear it," he smiled.

We all joked and laughed, until I noticed that Mike took detour to Dan's building.
"Uhhh...Mike, you're my brother and I'm really hoping you're not going to kill me."
"Don't worry, your pretty little head Vicky (death stare) I'm going to pick up my lady friend."
Me and Jaime looked at each other,"Lady friend?" he said.
"Since when?" I asked.
"Since that one time, a month ago when we went to the beach. Well, whatever you'll meet her."
I still didn't know what he was talking about, nevertheless I was pretty glad that my brother finally met someone.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry...I didn't put in them confessing how they feel just yet...I'll have that + Mike's new girly friend in the next chapter!!! Don't lose faith just yet!