Status: Done!

I'm Low on Gas and I Need a Jacket

The Only Real Way to Cure Pain is to Add a Little More

~~~three months later~~~

These past few months, I can not lie, they have been fucking Hell. I was four months pregnant, it was freezing cold out side and inside since my heater broke, Tony wasn't around that often because of the album, and I had the worst mood swings ever. I'd hungry, horny, fucking angry as fuck, sad, and happy all at fucking once. It was like being on your period times 20. On the brighter side, my hair had grown, I could wear my sweaters,Christmas was around the corner, and I'd be moving in with Tony soon. He said that he would want his child to have to constantly have to move back and forth like he how he had to. 

"You never talked about your father," I said as we were making our way to the hospital to find out what gender it was going to be.
"I know. When I was a kid, I went back and forth to my mom's and dad's. Well one day, I was at my dad's house and my mom was picking me up. I think I was like nine or ten or something. My dad was watching tv, when my mom came in. I went to my room, to get my stuff, and I heard arguing. They argued a lot, and it never got out of hand. They started screaming and yelling at each other. I tried to tuned it out  but then I heard a loud slap. I jumped up and ran in the living room and saw my mom on the floor with red hand print on her face. But she wasn't crying, not even close. My dad saw me and smiled like it was okay, but my mom got up and kneed him in the nuts twice and punched him in the nose. 'Go get your bag Antonio.' She said it just as calmly as how I saying it right now." my eyes grew wider,"My dad was never abusive. He did drink around me, he was always nice and caring. But he smacked my mother, and I could never forget that."
I looked at him,"Your mom was badass. Most women would've cried or called the police, but no, your mom doesn't even shed a tear and then she kicks his ass. Woah. How come you never told me this before?"
He shrugged as we pulled in the parking lot,"You didn't ask."

We found a parking space, reserved for expectant-moms that  was closed to the hospital. I didn't have a coat, so I wore a sweater with a t-shirt underneath and a beanie. Tony wore his DeadView sweater and a beanie also. He had a coat but refused to wear it since I didn't have one, but we lived in Cali, it wasn't like Alaska. 
We walked in, hand in hand, I felt the need to hold my belly although I was only 4 four months pregnant. The hospital had the heat on and Tony took off his beanie. We went to the front desk and the clerk's eyes widened when saw us. I just smiled.
"Can I help you two?" she asked politely, because continued ogling us. I was too used to it to be annoyed.
"Yes," I said,"Me and my boyfriend both made an appointment for today."
"Okay," she said looking into the computer,"Ms. Danniel Johnson and Mr. Antonio Perry?"We nodded our heads,"alright. If you could go to room  324 on the second floor, the Dr. Bennett will be right with you." she smiled and pointed to the elevator down the hall.
"Thank you," we both said in unison.
As we walked, Tony spoke,"If it's a girl, I get to name it."
"Alright but if it's a guy, I already know the name." I smiled. I pressed the the elevator open button. 
"What?" he asked suspiciously. 
"Well, I'm debating on either Luke, Jude or Sherlock."
"Oh, that's not so--wait," he said as we stepped in the elevator,"Sherlock? What? That does even sound like a name."
I pressed the second floor button, and we moved up,"Shut up! I recently started reading a lot of Sherlock Holmes and watching the movies, because of my maternity-leave at work, I get bored."
"If you name our child that. He'll hate you forever."
"I know right? What about the daughter names?"
He looked down and smiled. The elevated opened, and our search for the room began. 
"I have an idea," I said,"We'll name her after your mom. Yvette was it?" he looked at me and nodded. 
"Either that or we can name her Leia,"he added,"we can name her both.Leia Yvette Perry, or Yvette Leia Perry."
"You know why can name her both?" 
"Why is that Ms. Johnson?"
"Cuz we the motherfucking parents that's why." we both laughed. We eventually found the doctor's office, and the doctor was sitting in a rolling chair waiting on us.
"Hello,"She said,"Have some trouble finding me?"
I laughed, sort of embarrassed.
"Sort of,"Tony answered.
She stood up, and held her hand out to me,"Hello, I'm Dr. Bennett, and today we'll if the baby's doing well and what gender it is." I shook her hand, and she shook Tony,"If you'd lay on this." Tony held my hand as I climbed on the doctor's bed. I saw how this went on tv,I pulled my sweater and shirt over my stomach. She placed the(I don't know what it's called) thingy that helps you see the baby, on my stomach and it came into view on the screen. At first I was excited.
"Tony, Tony oh my goodness. That's inside me." Then my smile went away,"It''s barely moving. Why's the baby not moving as much?"
I looked at the screen.
"The baby,"Dr. Bennett started,"could be resting, we get those all the time." she looked at me. I looked at the screen, then at Tony who was frowning as if he was concentrating.He saw my face, and grabbed my hand.
"Danniel, it's okay. Everything's okay."
She continued to move around,"We'll, I don't see a little penis anywhere."
I chuckled, I was mature but I don't know the word 'penis' made me chuckle. She started,"I think we might have a girl on our hands." A smile crept on my face and Tony grabbed my hand. I was still a little worried that the baby wasn't moving as much as I thought it should, but I looked passed that. I looked at Tony,"That's good, I would've like the girl's name better." Bennett looked at us,"May I ask, what her name would be?"
I looked at Tony,"C'mon you answer."
He laughed,"We wanted to name her after my She passed away a year ago.."
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that." She said.
"My mother's name was Yvette and that's what we're naming her."
"That and Leia,"I looked at him.
"Oh yeah and Leia too..."he added with a smile.
"Oh, Star Wars fans eh. I'm a fan of Star Wars myself but none of my patients were. Some of my patients liked things similar: Lord of The Rings or  Harry Potter." We chuckled,"Okay I believe that's all for today, but do come back a month or so from now, just so we can check on how she's doing?" I nodded my head.  We went back downstairs, and went out the hospital.
My bad thoughts were getting the best of me,"Danni,"Tony started, I looked up,"Yvette will be okay.Try not to stress out about it." I nodded as the cold wind bit at my cheeks.
When we made it in the car, it was freezing inside, but he turned on the heat. 
"This reminds me,"he started, I tried to smile with my chattering teeth,"Are you almost packed? I would like for you to move in before I...before I have to leave." 
"M-m-most of e-v-verything," I put my face right in front of the vent and the warmth calmed my chattering,"most of everything. Some things, I could give away or sell, like my sofa. I could put my bed in the extra room you have. Oh I could put the soda in there too. Besides that, yeah everything's packed. I don't even have that much stuff." he started the car and we started to pull out.
"How soon can you start moving?" he asked with a smile.
"Probably in a week."
"Oh my gosh, I can't wait. I'm probably more excited than I should be about this. I'm such a faggot."
I kissed his cheek,"But you're my faggot. Oh my gosh, Tony I just had a thought."
"What if it turned out to be a boy and we name him Luke? Just imagine, if he grew up and you get in an argument with him. You could be all like,'Dammit Luke, I am your father!' and we just start laughing and get unangry."
He smiled,"Wow, you're right. I can't wait to raise our kid on rock music and pizza." 
\m/ "And awesomeness!" \m/ 

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Disclaimer: I don't know if Tony's mom's name is really Yvette, I just really like that name.