Status: Said and done

I Want You


The memory of this girl faded in and out, like losing your TV signal over and over again, you never wanted to turn it off, but you knew you should. But never once did the distorted vision of his TV girl have any less of an affect on Mike Green. Every thought of her left him breathless, with a sheen on his forehead and an aching in his heart; waiting to hear her theme music play again.

Of all the places she could spend her time, she spent it dancing behind his eyelids every time he shut his eyes. Of all the places she could roll someone's name off her tongue, it was when he laid down with another woman. Out of all the hearts in the world, she had to walk into his.

There hadn't been anything noticeably extravagant about Sailor, she was short and ungraceful, but it was the eyes shining, wide with laughter even when she was quiet, and the scent of coffee so strong on her that it could keep you awake better than the drink that had Mike staring idly at his surroundings as his friends mingled with women her and there. It was the deviously infectious giggle and broad hips that had him groaning as he turned in bed. It was her that had him praying to whoever would listen for a chance to see her again.

Mike hadn't been expecting anything when he walked into that coffee shop. He had only bothered coming to this shop for it's close location and it being the only coffee shop possibly in the world that sold soda. He had just paid the cashier when he heard a screech from the lounge area. Rotating his head in the direction of the disturbance he found a short brunette jumping from the sofa as she watched a soccer game. Pocketing his change, he smirked and walked in the direction of the lounge.

Sailor had been so enthralled by the game on TV she had no chance to see Mike sit down beside her on the couch. It wasn't until her arms shot up in victory did she notice the now soda-soaked man flanking her on the green couch. Her apology was quick as she ran to to get napkins to clean him up. Mike knew he should be angry, but something about the way she rustled around to help him made his lips curl up in a smile.

He knew now had he stopped there he could have sparred himself the heartache and loneliness, but something about him was still relishing having used to the situation to his better.

He was sincere when he asked her to take a walk with him as repayment for the Adidas hoodie. And they did take a walk, talking about the people in the city, and she even listened to his reasoning that he was a hockey player, his concern would be losing weight not gaining weight. Her life rang through his ears like wedding bells and he couldn't help but smile, even if she was making fun of him.

He hadn't expected his invitation to escalate to her white T-Shirt hanging off her shoulder as she straddled him on the Italian Leather sofa Laich had suckered him and Alex into buying. He had still neglected to find out if sex did feel better on it as Brooks promised.

He could recall that she was straddled him down to make him listen to her favorite sport teams, but she had not realized that if she continued to move her lips she was never going to get him to listen. Each word that came out of her precious mouth bounced out of his mind, replaced with the thought of how his lips would move against her's.

He hadn't noticed she stopped talking till the he realized how close her lips were getting to his own. Just as his eyes fluttered shut, waiting to taste the peach lipgloss he learned she wore she moved her lips next to his ear.

"Could you take me home?" She had asked, in an almost teasing manner. Mike gritted his teeth, groaning internally before he opened his eyes.

He nodded stiffly, "Yeah." She smiled and got off of his waist. She scuttled over to the door to get her accessories, missing the sigh that escaped Mike's lips. He ran a hand through his hair before he hoisted himself off the couch and went to find his jacket and shoes.

The car ride had been a silent one until she pointed to a tall brick building. He hadn't suspected anything when they reached her apartment door. She handed him a dollar and asked him to go buy her a water from the vending machine down the hallway. He took the dollar and walked down to buy her a water, she stood in the now open doorway of her apartment we he had returned and she smiled and thanked him before sending him a smiling good night.

Mike promised to to see her again and returned the smiling good night before walking to the elevators. The elevator doors opened with a ding and Mike stepped in. He remembered pressing the the lobby button before resting his head against the cool steel of the elevator wall. Why didn't you kiss her? His mind repeated, making the hockey star grit his teeth in anger. Why didn't he kiss her, he thought, why?

He groaned in frustration before he had laid his fist not so lightly against the steel. He had let out one more groan before he started pressing the seventh floor button like a madman. In confusion the elevator had opened it's doors and not wanting to waste anymore time Mike burst out towards the stairs, running breathlessly till he reached the seventh floor.

He ran down the hall till he had came across a familiar door. He knocked and knocked to no avail. He leaned his head against the door, his body shuddering as he closed his eyes.

"I never want to be the one to say: How could I let you slip away? I should have kissed you, am I out of time?" He had pleaded, shaking the door handle until a bobby pin fell out of the lock mechanism.
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