Status: in progress

Fix You

Wild Child- 1 (Lacey POV)

I walked into my apartment worn out and exhausted. Just as i was about lay down, my phone rang.

"Hello?" i was wondering who was calling me at 10:00..

"Hey! Lace! I was wondering, if you wanted to come check out the new club we just opened down

town... It's not work i swear! Just come up and party with us, and get the celebrities hooked. We have a few coming tonight, and we want to make this the new 'it' club in LA. What do you say?"

I sighed, i haven't partied this week due to working extra, because i was behind on bills. I was pretty much caught up though, except i had no groceries. "Sure.. whats the address?"

He proceeded to relay all the information to me.
"What time should i be there?" i gave a little breath wondering what i was going to wear.

"within the hour would be nice."

Holy shit! I hung up the phone, and dashed to my closet. So much to do, so little time. I rifled through my closet looking for a dress fit for celebrities.. After all i wanted to look impressive.
My apartment was small and cramped. My parents died 5 years ago. That left me with my uncle since i was 14, but i ran away at 15. I've been illegally stripping since i was 16 to make money.

I found a blue fitted dress that would compliment my blonde hair and blue eyes, and proceeded to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

A little less than an hour later, i was ready to go.

I looked in the mirror; i had 32D curvy hips, and a flat tummy. Most girls see me and are envious, but i feel cursed. I get a nice body and pretty face, yet i'm cursed with the life of a stripper and no family. My only friends are the other girls i work with, plus no one wants to date a stripper. My life is work and one night stands; it's pretty pathetic if you ask me.

I quickly made my way out of my apartment, and got the air tram down to 3rd street. I continued to walk the 2 blocks to the club.

As i got to the door, i saw loads of paparazzi and screaming girls outside the club doors, and i cringed. Who the hell is here tonight?

The bouncer stopped me, "Name?" oh hell, that man better have put me on the list.

"Yes, Lacey Pedroza."

He quickly ID'd me and saw i was 19, gave me a stamp and let me in. It made me laugh, i sold my body to be look at and he gives me a stamp so i can't drink? It was comical.

I walked into the crowded club and immediately got an energy boost. I fed off the party atmosphere, and quickly went in search of a hot guy to buy me a drink.

I saw 3 extremely fit guys sitting in a booth in the corner. One was blonde, one was brunette with thick curls, and the last one on the end was by far the sexiest with his straight dirty hair.

I walked past the their booth on the way to the restroom to get a sneak peak, and got a closer look. Hell, i'd take any one of them, they were sexy as fuck. Where did these guys come from?

I saw curly give me a sexy little smirk on my way to the bathroom, and i grinned. He should be easy, even though i really wanted that guy on the end.

I don't chase guys though, they have to come to me.

I made a loop, and instead walked to the center of the dance floor. I proceeded to do my what i call 'pull move.' its a sexy little hip gyration, that is very inviting for a dance.

I quickly felt a pair of hands on my hips, i turned around hoping it was one of the guys, but was disappointed. I took a closer look at my partners face, and grinned instead. This guy was just as sexy.

Hmm, i think I'm liking this club. I turned around against the strangers body, and put my arms around his neck. I started to do a little grind on his legs. What can i say? i'm a little 5' ft vixen.

He gave me a smile, "I'm Zayn."


"Lovely name," he gave me another grin.

I picked up on his accent, even sexier.. He's english.

"would you like a drink, Lacey?"

"I would LOVE a drink, Zaynnn." I accentuated his name, since guys seemed to love that.
Apparently he was no different.

He took my hand, and walked me back to a very much occupied booth.
The booth with the 3 sexy guys! SCORE.

Curly once again gave me a smirk, when Zayn and I sat down.

He began to speak, "Hello, i'm harry. what is your name, love?"

"Lacey." I put on the most sensual voice i could muster, i wanted sexy in plaid on the end to notice me.

"Lovely to meet you, Lacey."

I replied, "Likewise."

Zayn got up and went to i assume get my drink.

"And the rest of you are?" i smiled towards the other two boys.

"Niall.." The blonde one grinned with an irish accent.

I looked towards the plaid shirt boy, "And you are?"

Harry quickly replied for him, "Thats Liam, he's in a bit of a sour mood. His girlfriend bailed on him; like she has every other night."

I saw my opening. I've found his vulnerability. "Awh babe.. Though i'm sure she had a good reason for bailing, i would've had to for such a good looking boy like you! I'd of been worried some one would steal ya away!"

He smiled then grimaced, "Actually, she was quote on quote 'too tired from dance.' Though i am proud of her, and i can't judge. Dancing looks hard."

Score, bigger opening. This girl was a dancer? I guarantee i'm better, not to brag or anything.

"Really? She must be a great dancer! .. but i'm just full of energy. I do dancing for a living as well, and i actually had dance earlier. I get so much adrenaline after dancing, i have to go party it off." I gave a little wink at that.

Another boy named Louis joined us shortly after, and we all talked for another hour or so.

They were great, closest thing to friends i've probably ever had.

Then came the awkward question from Louis, "So Lacey what do you do for a living?"

I coughed, "I'm a dancer.

"Oh who for, Liam girlfriend Danielle is a dancer."

... i paused, should i lie? Nahh, "I dance for The Library. It's a little strip joint down the road," I didn't want to scare the boys off though, and them think me a slut, "I do it for money, no where else will hire me and i need to pay the bills. I had to turn down Julliard where i was accepted, because i couldn't afford it." I sulked a bit.

Louis and Liam gave me sympathetic smiles, "Well i'm sure you're a great dancer! you'll have to dance for us sometime." Louis through in a wink to his little comment.

All the boys except Liam and I, got up to get more drinks. I found out Liam didn't drink, but i was slightly tipsy; i never get wasted though.

As Liam and i talked more, i really started to like him.

"... and i just don't understand. I really like her, i used to love her. But now i don't know."

I was pulled out of my day dream. Here's the golden oppurtunity:

I saw some girls looking at Liam, i gave a little look around for and show, and offered "You wanna go some place more private too talk?"

He nodded his head quickly, and gave me a genuine smile.

I had this boy in the palm of my hand.
♠ ♠ ♠
I LOVE DANIELLE PEAZER, and i think her and Liam are a great couple. This is just for the story, i might make her look like a brat. PLEASE COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE.