Status: Hiatus

A Halo of Light

A night when all goes wrong, he has no hope but to continue living life like nothing's happened or changed. He struggles to maintain his façade when fear and worry nag at the back of his mind, his only hope is to find her and hope she can see past his pain and angst. His regret is useless and time will not let the memory fade, but somehow he knew he was doomed from the beginning.

Will his fear get the best of him? Does she even exist? Is he ever going to be himself again? Some part of him longs to know and holds a small sliver of hope, but a majority has lost all hope. All he longs for is a long kiss goodnight, to kiss the demons out his dreams and out of his life because in the end everything will be alright.

I decided to write in a perspective I usually tend to avoid, mainly because I have no idea how the guy thinks, but at least I can say I tried. I just had this idea while reading a book and after seeing a Disney movie (I know, shocking) so I don't know how well this will work out. But if it sucks, I'll flush it down the toilet and start on something else. Comment, subscribe, or recommend. :)

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters names nor what they are entitled too, but I do own how they interact within this story and among my other fictional characters. Don't like it, too bad. I do not steal stories, this is all from my noggin' and all of my stories tend to stay that way.

© 2012, Billie J. Armstrong