Status: Hiatus

A Halo of Light


I looked across the bar into the mirror, seeing my reflection but it wasn’t me. It was a fucking drunkard, a bastard that didn’t know how else to wallow in his pain. I looked straight into my eyes, seeing that they were red rimmed from the constant alcohol entering my system. I clasped the shot glass and lifted up, saluting myself before I down it. The burn familiar and comforting as the liquid fire ran down my throat.

I waved to the bartender to give me another, he hesitated but took out the bottle and poured more liquid into my empty shot glass, I smiled the best I could but instead hiccupped. Damn alcohol always does this to me. I lift the glass up to my lips and swallow before placing the glass back down onto the table. I fucking hate this, I hate getting drunk but something inside me craves it and loves it.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes with my forefinger and thumb, trying to erase the redness from my eyes. “Fuck, I fucking hate my life,” I mumbled, unaware that someone was sitting next to me.

“I guess that makes two of us,” a female voice replied, I turned to look at her, her body was slightly angled towards mine. I smiled earning a smile back from her luscious plumped lips.

“I don’t think your life can be as bad as mine,” I slurred, but managed not to stutter.

She smiled and her eyes met mine, they were a warm silvery grey that glistened in the dim lit room. “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” she stated as she placed a petite hand on my forearm. I felt my heart double its pace, her touch was light as a feather but I could feel her heat radiating through my jacket.

“I’m Billie, I think I should’ve shared that with you at the beginning,” I replied angling my body towards her. She smiled at me again with those luscious lips and I couldn’t help but stare at her face, she was perfect. Her cheek bones were high, her skin a flawless ivory as her golden brown hair framed her face.

“I’m Cara,” she replied, her eyes traveled down my face and body before meeting my eyes again.

I felt a wave a heat over power me, my heart continued to pace quickly inside my chest. I wanted to fuck her, might sound like a douche move, but it was the truth and she seemed interested. Cara leaned close to my ear as her shirt exposed perfect cleavage. If I didn’t get out of here soon, I’d be walking out with a boner, something I don’t plan to show to the rest of the pub. Her lips lightly brushed against my ear making my skin rise with goose bumps.

“You’re very attractive Billie Joe, did you know that?” she whispered, I smirk although she can’t see. I’m not attractive, never was.

“Did you know you’re attractive?” I whisper back, she laughs lightly as she placed her hand on my thigh. Fuck, this isn’t helping my situation.

I turned to face her, her lips inches from mine. I leaned in and closed the gap, her lips soft and irresistible as she kisses back, as if she was hungry. I pull away and grab her hand gently, I didn’t need to say anything to her, she knew. I stood up left a wad of cash on the counter before following her outside to the parking lot.

As we exit the building, we’re kissing again and each and every kiss is full of need. We manage to make it to my car before she pulls away and slips into the back seat, I follow suit knowing very well where this would go. I shut the door and she’s sitting on my lap, removing my jacket as our lips meet again. My hands travel down her body onto her hips as she kisses my neck, my lower body pulsing with excitement.

Cara undoes my buttoned shirt before her hands travel over my chest, my hands slipping up underneath her shirt as she kisses my neck again. “I need you Billie, do you need me?” She whispers against my skin, I only moan in reply before she bites my skin a little harder than before.

“Cara, that kind of hurts,” I whisper, but she doesn’t ease up. “Cara, seriously it hurts, stop.” But she doesn’t, her teeth dig into my neck, a sharp pain shooting through my body. “Cara, stop!” I try to push her off of me, but she feels heavier.

I continue to try and push her off but my struggles feel useless, weak even. My vision starts to tunnel and I feel lightheaded. Every sound seems muffled, like I’m underwater. I gather whatever force I have and push her off, she falls in between the driver and passenger seats, stuck. She screams inhuman sounds as I reach for the door to get out.

Once I’m out, I tumble out onto the pavement, my neck hurts and warm sticky liquid runs down my neck. I roll onto my back, staring at the sky. Tints of orange and pink start to paint the sky, but that’s all I see before everything turns to black.
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First update! I hope it's a good one--tell me what you guys think. :)