Always Watching

Letter by Octra


Dear Reader,
If you are reading this we will all be dead. What happened here was terrible and the fact you got this far without anything happening that made it so you found this and can read it is a miracle. What happened here was terrible and the memories will never be forgotten. They will linger on forever, in each eerie corner of the universe.
You’re probably wondering who we are, some days we do too;
I’m Octra, I come from the planet Aquatan. Yes a water based planet. I’m doing all the writing at most because I’m the one with the ink-, all the other ink got destroyed last month, but that’ll be explain later,-in my hands.
Next there’s Syn he’s sweet, he’ll hunt me down for say saying that, he comes from the Xanna and is 938 and yet he looks my age, unless you look into his eyes, his eyes are like dark pits full of hurt and pain, all around the universe, he’s seen everything and now he will spend the rest of his days here.
Gustav and Kaulitz are inseparable twins, really they are inseparable. They’re connected at the hips and share legs. They have perfectly white skin and blonde hair. They don’t talk and I swear they can read each others minds.
Then there’s Mama. That’s what she’s been to everyone. We don’t know much about her past except for the fact that she used to have a child in Grebta, he died when he was 10. She treated us all like children and was the kindest woman in the whole universe.
There are also all the others who have died. Hundreds of us! Some because of chemical overdrives, others of suicide and murder.
You have to understand that were all locked up here together, we can’t help it. We can’t live like this and it just drives people over the edge.
In this we have enclosed everything we can from all who used to live here. All the everyone who where taken from there own planet and brought here. This is the beginning to the end, our end is coming soon.

Stupid me I almost forgot Jessica. She’s from earth, she was there when it all started and she’s finally at her end. I can see it, and she should have gone first. Not because I hate her or anything, quite the opposite actually but it would have been kinder to her but then, since when has this life ever been kind.

So this is us and welcome to our life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment and stuff. i know the chapters are short but meh
