Status: Still working on it...

Best Night of Her Life

5 Months and No Fun

Lela’s POV
It’s officially 5 months into my pregnancy…
Andy’s POV
It’s officially 5 months into Lela’s pregnancy…
Lela’s POV
Today we are going to the doctors to check on the baby and to find out if we are having a little boy or a little girl. Both Andy and I are hoping for a little girl. But we will be happy even if it’s a little boy.
“Hi Dr. Michael’s!” I said.
“Hello Doctor,” said Andy who is in fact sitting right next to me.
“Hello Lela and Andy,” she said, “How are you doing with the baby?”
“Fun but NO FUN,” I said.
“Why?” she asked.
“I love that I always have company and someone to talk to, but I hate the morning sickness and the baby kicks a lot at night so I can’t sleep well. He or she seems to sleep better when Andy talks to them. Thank God!” I said.
“That’s normal. Any uncomfortableness or are you comfy?” she asked.
“I’m always comfortable, there hasn’t been a time I’m uncomfortable,” I said.
“She never complains about being uncomfy,” Andy said.
“Good,” she said. “Well why don’t we check on this baby of yours?”
“Okay!” we (Andy and I) said.
“They look good,” she said.
“They?” Andy asked.
“Twins, want to know the genders?”
“Please?” we asked.
“One little girl… two little girls… yep two little girls you’re having,” she said.
“YAY!” we said. I was so happy that we were having two little girls.
Andy’s POV
Lela’s POV
“Well, 6 pictures like always?” she asked.
“Yes please,” I said.
Later that Day
I put the new picture into the two photo albums and marked in ‘Month 5’. I hope my parents accept our little girls. I really do. I don’t think they will, because of how they reacted about Andy.
“What you thinking about baby girl?” asked Andy when we got home to peace and quiet for once.
“How my parents are going to react about the babies,” I said truthfully.
“I think they will love them.”
“Really, with how they acted towards us dating?”
“Yeah! They are their only grandchildren.”
“True, I hope so,” I said starting to get sad, then the tears came.
“Oh don’t cry baby,” he said calming me down.
“Okay,” was all I could get out.