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Chapter 2

"Hi, we just moved into the house next door and we just wanted to say hi." the woman said with a smile on her face.

"Oh. Hi." dad said putting on his nice guy face. I looked at Trace and saw that he was looking at me. I glared at him and then heard foot steps coming down the stairs. I looked and saw my mom in short shorts and a tube top. My mom is really pretty. She could be a model if she wanted. She looked at me and said "Go to the kitchen and get drinks for our guests."

I just nodded and pulled my hood up as I walked to the kitchen. I got out a beer, a wine bottle and two sodas. I pulled four wine glasses out of the cabinet and then walked into the living room when Trace and his parents were sitting while my parents were talking to them. I handed my dad the beer and set the glasses on the table. I didn't look at anyone or say anything as I poured wine into the glasses and passed them out. I handed Trace one of the sodas and took the other one.

"Mom, do you want me to start dinner, now?" I asked.

"Oh no Devin, we just order food from the Chinese place." mom said in her nice voice.

"Yes ma'am. Is there anything anyone needs?" I asked looking at everyone. They all shook their heads but my dad.

"Yes, go to the store and get some more soda. We are almost out." he said smirking at me.

"Yes sir." I said then started out the door. I had money in my back pocket so I didn't bother asking for any.

"Trace, why don't you go with her." I heard the woman say before I could get to the door.

I turned and looked at her. "Oh no thats OK., ma'am. It will only take me half an hour at most." I said smiling at her.

"Trace won't mind going along, will you?" the man said.

"Not at all." Trace said standing up. I looked over at my parents and saw that they were not pleased and that meant that I was going to be hurting in the morning.

I just nodded and opened the door. I walked out with Trace following me.

We got to the side walk and I started walking towards the store.

"Come on. We can take my car." he said as we passed what I assumed was his house.

He pulled keys out of his pocket and unlocked a really nice BMW. I didn't say anything as I got in the passengers seat. He got in and started it. The store was only a few minutes away and I didn't say anything.

He pulled into the parking lot at the store and he parked. I got out and he followed me.

I walked in and went to the drink isle. I grabbed a carton of Coke and a carton of Dr. Pepper.

"How did you get that red mark on your face?" he asked as we stood in the check out line.

"I ran into the door when I got home." I lied as the guy started to ring up the soda. I pulled out my money waited.

"That bull. Its a hand print." he said.

"No its not. Why do you even care?" I looking at him.

"Because." was all he said. I looked at the check out guy and saw that it was Gabe. A guy that street fights too. He looked at me and said "You going tonight?"

"Yes. When does the first one start?" I asked.

"Midnight, fighters need to be there at 11:30pm payment is $30."

"OK." I said then handed him a ten for the sodas. He gave me my change and I grabbed them and started to walk out of the store with Trace following me.

"What did he mean fighters need to be there at 11:30pm?" Trace said as we got into his car.

"Nothing that you need to worry about."

"You street fight, don't you?" he said as he pulled out of the parking lot.

"No. I'm not that stupid." I lied glaring at him.

"Fine then what was that guy talking about?" he asked trying to get me to say it.

"Nothing you need to worry about. Just forget he said anything and don't stick your nose where it doesn't belong." I snapped as he pulled into his driveway. I got out with the cokes and walked over to my house.

I walked in and Trace followed me. I heard laughing from the dinning room and I walked that way.

"We are back." I said simply then walked into the kitchen. I put the sodas in the fridge and then walked back into the dinning room. They were already eating and Trace had already sat down and was eating too. I just sat down in the empty chair by my dad and Trace's mom and looked at the table.

"Aren't you going to eat, Devin?" Trace's mom asked me.

"No ma'am. I'm not hungry. I had a big lunch." I said smiling at her. I glanced at Trace and saw that he knew I was lying but he was going to say anything.

"So Devin, do you and Trace have any classes together?" his dad asked.

"Yes sir. We have German." I said looking at him.

"Well thats good."

"Our Devin is a smart girl all A's every report card." mom said.

"Really? Maybe you can rub off on Trace then. Heaven knows he needs it. What college are you planning to attended next year, Devin?" his mom asked.

I looked at my dad. "She is going to take a year off of school and go spend it with her grandparents in New York." he said.

He was talking about his parents that were still alive and living in New York, but I wasn't going to go live with them. I wasn't going to college either but what they don't know, won't hurt them.

"Oh thats nice." his dad said smiling at me.

"Yes sir. But if you will excuse me, I have some homework that I need to get done." I said looking at my mom.

"Go ahead." she said glaring at me.

"It was nice meeting you." I said to Trace's parents still not knowing their names or their last names.

"You too Devin." Trace's mom said smiling at me.

"I'll see you in school tomorrow, Trace." I said then turned and walked out of the dining room. I walked to the basement door and opened it. Then I locked it once I was inside and walked down the stairs. I sat on my bed and sighed. Then I pulled the hoodie up over my head. I winced at the pain that it caused my ribs. Then I pulled my tank top up a little and saw the bruises already forming.

I sighed then walked to my bathroom. Once I was in side, I gently pulled off my tank top and pulled the Ace Bandage out of the cabinet. I started to wrap my middle. Once I was done, I walked back into my room and pulled on a clean black tank top. Then I took off my black converse shoes and my blue skinny jeans and pulled on my gym shorts. I looked down at my legs and saw that my left one was already bruised.

I sighed again then pulled out my hand weights. They were 20 pounds each and very easy to lift. I did a few reps then put them down. I could hear Trace's parents and my parents talking and laughing. It made me think of what Trace was doing. I shook him from my mind then pulled out my homework. I was doing my German when there was a soft knock at the door. I could still hear the parents talking so I was a little confused. I got off my bed and walked up the stairs. I unlocked the door and opened it carefully.

Standing there was Trace. I looked at him.

"Holy crap Devin." he said looking at my cheek. It was hurting a little and it was bruised but I was use to it.

"What do you want?" I hissed.

"They are talking about boring stuff so I came to hang out with you." he said looking in my eyes.

"I'm doing homework." I said.


I sighed. "Fine." then moved and let him walk down the stairs. I locked the door after I shut it and followed him down.

I looked at Trace and saw that he was looking around my room. I just sat on my bed and started to work.

"Having that door must make it easy to sneak your boyfriend in at night." he said nodding to the door that lead outside. The one I use when I sneak out.

"It would be if I had a boyfriend." I said simply not looking up from my work.

"Oh." was all he said.

"Why are you down here?" I asked him.

"It got boring up there." he said.

"It doesn't sound boring." I said and right on cure, we could hear laughing.

"Well it was for me." he said.

I looked up and saw that he was looking at my bookshelf.

"You like to read?" he asked.

"Yeah." was all I said.

"Whats your favorite book?" he asked me as he sat in the chair that was sitting in the middle of the room.

"City of Bones." I said looking at him.

"Your kidding? Thats one of my favorites. I was so mad when I found out that Jace was Clary's brother." he said.

I just looked at him. "Have you not read City of Ashes and City of Glass yet?" I asked.

"I just finished City of Ashes. I need to get City of Glass soon." he said.

I picked up my bag and pulled City of Glass out of it. "You mess it up, you buy another copy." I said as I tossed it to him. "And your in for a big surprise." I said then looked back at my work.

"OK. I'll start it tonight." he said. "You lift weights?" he asked.

I looked up and saw that he was eyeing the hand weights. "Some times." I shrugged putting.

"What do you bench?' he asked.

"Um 150 I think." I said then looked at the alarm clock on my side table. It was already 9:30pm.

"Wow thats impressive." he said.

I just shrugged and got off my bed. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"I have somewhere to be later and I have to get ready." I said as I pulled out my black form fitting shirt that cut down a little low. I pulled off my tank top and pulled the shirt on. Then I turned to Trace. He was looking at the ground blushing.

"Dude you are acting like you haven't seen a girl change shirts before." I said as I walked into the bathroom. I put on some eyeliner then walked back out.

"I have. But that was my girlfriend. I don't even think that we are friends." he said looking at me.

"I don't make friends. All they do is pry and I don't want people prying into my life." I said as I walked to my closet and pulled out an old Paramore hoodie. I pulled it over my head then pulled up the hood.

I turned back to Trace. "Why? Friends can help you out if you get in trouble." he said.

"I don't need to be helped. I can take care of myself. I have been for the past 10 years." I said as I walked to my bag and pulled out my wallet. I put my money in my pocket then put it back.

"Everyone needs to have someone to let their feelings out too." he said trying to convince me.

"Last time I did that it back fired on me." I said. Then there was a knock on the door.

I ran up the stairs and unlocked it. I opened it and saw my mom standing there.

"Is Trace down there?" she asked glaring at me.

"I'm right here Mrs. Anderson. Devin was just helping me with some homework." he said passing me.

"Oh well thats good. It was nice meeting you Trace." mom said smiling at him.

"You too." he said smiling. He walked out and down the hall. I heard dad talk then the front door shut. Thats when mom looked at me.

"What were you thinking having a boy down there, you slut?" she hissed.

"I wasn't thinking." I said not looking her.
"Your damn right you weren't." dad said walking up to us. He slapped me across the face again and I didn't say a word.

"If you end up pregnant then you are going to wish you were dead." he said then punched my in the stomach.

I grunted. Mom just stood their smiling. Dad looked at her then started to kiss her neck. She leaned her head to the side and started to to moan. Dad moved mom against the wall and his hands went to her hips. His lips moved down her body and his hands moved down her shorts. I shivered then turned around. They would forget about me for tonight. That was good for me.
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Well another update!
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