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Chapter 3

I shut my door and locked it. I tip-toed down the stairs and looked at the clock. It was 10pm, so I very quietly opened the door that lead outside and walked out. I walked to the drive way and looked at Trace's house. I saw one light on up stairs. I just sighed then started to walk to the abandon warehouse that was about a block away. I got there and walked in. I saw Gabe. He was warming up. I looked around and saw Tim, the host of it all. He was 21 and tall, about 6'5. He had black hair and green eyes. There was a little stubble on his face and he had a nice built.

He was skinny and had a nice 6 pack. I know this because he always has no shirt and a zip up hoodie on with black jeans. I walked up to him and slapped his hand.

"You in tonight, Devin?" he asked me.

"Why else am I here? I need to let off steam." I said as I pulled out my money. I handed it to him and he added it to the wad in his hand.

"Good deal. Hey why is that guy eyeing you?" Tim asked looking behind me.

I turned and saw Trace standing on the other side of the room. He was watching me.

"Has he ever been here before?" I asked Tim.

"No. Who is he?" he asked looking a little mad.

"Just a guy that I know." I said.

I turned around and walked over to Trace. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I hissed at him.

"I followed you. I heard yelling at you house after we left then I saw you leave so I got in my car and followed you. What are you doing here?"

"This is a place I come to. I belong here. You how ever don't. You just need to go back to your perfect house with your perfect family." I said looking him in the eye.

"I will only if you come back with me." he looked me in the eye.

"You still don't get it do you? I'm a bad person. If you know what's good for you, you will stay away from me." I said looking at him in the eye.

"Devin! You need to start warming up!" Tim called.

"Go home Trace, you don't belong here in my world." I said and turned and walked off.

I pulled my hoodie off as I walked towards Tim. I handed him my hoodie and he handed it to Sam, his friend. Then he handed me a pair of fingerless gloves. I pulled them on and lifted up my shirt. Tim unwrapped the Ace Bandage and handed it to Sam. Then Kyle, his other friend, patted me down to make sure I didn't have any weapons. When I was in the clear, I walked over to the workout equipment and started doing reps on the weight bench.

Right at midnight, all the fighters were called to the mats. I looked at the crowed that had formed and didn't see Trace. I was relived. Then I looked at the fighters. There were only 5 of us and I was the only girl. We were told the rules and then Tim announced who was up first. It was me and Mike. He was an 18 year old guy. He had blond hair and blue eyes. If I didn't know any better I would think that he was a prep. if I had to guess, I would say that he was about 6'2.

I pulled my long black hair back into a pony tail and faced Mike. Tim counted us down and the crowed went wild. I blocked out the crowed and lunged at Mike as soon as Tim said one. Not ten minutes later Mike was laying on the mat out cold. I was bleeding from the mouth. I looked at him and saw that he was bleeding from the nose. Tim came back to the mat and announced that I was the winner and the crowed went wild.

Kyle and Sam pulled Mike of the mat and two other guys cleaned the blood off. I just stood there, my blood pumping and full of energy. I looked out at the crowed and saw a face that I really didn't want to see. I saw Trace standing there with a few guys from school. He was shocked and so were the guys from school. I glared at him and whipped my mouth.

Then Tim came up to me. "You up for another one or do you want me to let two more go then you go at the winner?" he asked.

"Let the others go. I need some water." I said.

"OK." he said then announced the next fight. I walked off the mat and to the bathroom that was close to the mats. I walked in and turned on the water. I stopped my lip from bleeding then I looked in the mirror. I had a black eye now and a few bruise on my arm, but nothing that I couldn't hide. I splashed some water on my face then shut off the water. I walked out of the bathroom and a few girls walked up to me.

"You were really good in that fight." the blond said.

"Thanks." I said and started to push past them.

"So do you fight often?" a red head asked.

"Yes. Now I have to go." I said then walked back to the mats. I stood there and watched Gabe beat the shit out of the other guy.

Gabe knocked the guy out then walked off the mat. "Hey Devin." he said whipping blood off his mouth.

"Nice fight." I said.

"Thanks. I just hope that I don't have to go against you." he said then turned to the mat where two other guys were fighting.

"Why scared your going to lose?" I asked smirking at him.

"Yeah I am." he said simply.

"Good." I said just as one guy was knocked out.

Tim said that the 3 fighters left needed to come to the mats after they were cleaned. I walked on with Gabe following me. The other guy walked on and Tim said that Gabe and the other guy were going to fight then I was going to against the winner.

I walked off the mat and stood there watching as Gabe knocked the other guy out. They cleaned off the mat and I got on. Tim counted us down and I looked at Gabe. The I got in my stance and waited for him to make the first move. He lunged and I dodged. Then I turned and kicked him in the stomach. He went down and I started to punch his face. A few minutes later, he got the upper hand and started to punch me in the face. I kneed him where the sun don't shine then punched him out. Once he was knocked out. I stood up and looked at the crowed. They were all cheering. Tim handed me my hoodie and the money then I went to the bathroom. I cleaned up some and got my nose to stop bleeding then I pulled my hoodie on and walked out. Most people were gone already and I walked up to Tim. I took off my gloves and handed them to him.

"You did good, Devin." he said nodding.

"Thanks. Now I just have get home and get some sleep. Got school tomorrow." I said giving him a hand slap. Then I pulled my hood up and walked out. I was walking home and a car pulled up beside me. I looked at it and saw that it was Trace's. He got out and walk to the side walk. I didn't stop walking.

"What was that back there?" he said.

"That was me being me. What were those guys from school doing there?" I hissed at him.

"I called them just in case I need help getting you out of there." he said.

I stopped walking and looked at him. "I told you, I can take care of myself. Do you believe me now? I just won. I don't need help from anyone. And its not a good idea to leave your car there." I said then started to walk again.

"Fine. But we aren't done talking about this." he said and turned around. He got in his car and sped off.

When I got home, I took a shower then put on Sofies shorts and a tank top on. I got in bed and fell asleep.
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