Just a Little Deeper

Chapter 1

I ran. I had to get away. He couldn't see me like this. He would hate me. Worse, the pain in his eyes would tear me apart.

Slipping into a dark alley, I pressed myself against the wall.

"Jess." I heard his sweet voice call out. His footsteps quickly growing closer.

"Sweetheart?" There was panic in his voice.

He stopped just outside the alley. The seconds passed by slowly, I was terrified he would find me. Ever so slowly he walked away. Sighing with relief, I slid down next to the dumpster. It was a cool night and all I was waring was a thin, mint colored tank top and a pair of torn up skinny jeans. A shiver raced down my spine and I pulled my knees up to my chest. The tears I had been holding in for so long flowed out as I buried my face into my arms. I jerked up right when my salty tears found there way into my open cuts.

"I'm sorry." I whispered into the darkness.

An hour later I was relaxing in the tub at home, glad my parents got home late. Glancing down at my wrists, I noticed all the dry blood had washed away. I ran my thumb over one of my cuts. The scars from cuts long healed had been sliced open again.

"Why can't my life be normal?" I muttered to my scarred wrists.

My cell phone chimed for the million time.

"You have to answer sooner or later." The nagging voice inside my head told me.

Groaning, I stood up letting the water slide off me. Picking up the blue towel, I wrapped it around myself. Staring at my reflection, I thought that there was no way I could ever be beautiful.

I stared at my tan-brown eyes. He said they were beautiful but, I didn't think so. My hair is dark brown and short. I mean really short. It barley covers my ears. When I looked in the mirror all i saw was an ordinary girl with a screwed-up life. He said I was far from ordinary.

My phone chimed again, pulling me from my thoughts. After I was done drying myself off, I put on a pair of fuzzy, black pj pants and a comfy, white tank top. Looking at my phone screen, I discovered I had 20 messages and 3 missed calls. i responded as quickly as I could telling him I was fine and I was at home safe. He asked if my parents were home yet. I responded 'no'. Falling back onto my blue king sized bed, I stared at the ceiling. my phone buzzed. The text was from my mom.

'We will not be back until Monday. Sorry. We love you sweetie.'

'Great a whole weekend alone,' I thought sarcastically.

'Can I come over? I'll bring NBX and chocolate." the text from David read.

I smiled NBX stood for 'Nightmare Before Christmas'. I would've replied yes, but my cuts, he would notice. Without warning my phone buzzed again.

'Jessica, I know what happened. I'm Not mad. It's gonna be okay.'

The screen blurred, my eyes quickly filled with tears. Replying a simple yes, I wiped at my eyes. Another text came in.

'Be there in a few, love'

Pulling myself out of bed I walked downstairs dragging my favorite blanket with me. Minutes later, I heard his Chevy pick-up pull up. The front door opened then closed.

"Babe, I'm here!" he yelled.

"In the living room." I replied.

He walked in, I stood up. He circled his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. He lifted my wrist up to his lips and gently kissed it. Looking up at him, he brushed hair out of my face.

"You are so beautiful." he smiled.

Blushing, I looked down. Putting a finger under my chin he lifted my face up to his, gently kissing me on the lips.

"Shall i put the movie in?" he questioned.

Nodding, I sat down on the couch. He walked out to grab the movie. He returned, NBX and a box of chocolates in on hand and a bunch of fake orange lilies in the other.

David walked over and handed me the flowers and chocolates.

"My favorites." I smiled.

"I know, and I know how much you hate watching real flowers die." he said and put the movie in.

I set the lilies and chocolates on the stand next to me. He smiled at me and sat down beside me. I leaned against him and he put his arm protectively around me.

I sighed in contentment as he gently kissed me on top of the head and laced our fingers together. I snuggled against him as my favorite movie began to play.

Moments later, I forgot why I even cut myself. Resting against David, listening to his steady heartbeat, I felt completely normal.

The smell of bacon and eggs woke me from my slumber. Groaning, I got up and went into the kitchen. The sight I saw made me smile, David was frying bacon and eggs while trying to make fresh orange juice. He turned around and I laughed.

"What?" He asked.

"I didn't know you could cook." I laughed.

"Not all guys are losers." he chuckled.

"Guess not." I replied and sat down at the table.

He set a plate of bacon, eggs, and toast down in front of me. I stuck my tongue out at him and began eating.

"So, I guess its not toxic then." he joked.

"No. it's amazing." I smiled.

He chuckled that deep, sexy chuckle I loved so much and slightly shook his head.

"These eggs are like and orgasim for your mouth!" I exclaimed only half joking.

"I can do that without eggs." He replied winking.

"David!" I mock gasped, "Your a sick little boy."

"Hey, who you calling little?" He replied.

I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him.

After breakfast, David cleaned up while I went upstairs to get dressed.

I came back down after a quick shower and saw David holding a little box in his hand.

"David..." I said as I backed up slowly.

"Jessica." he smiled and looked at me with those adorable blue eyes and his hair, black as midnight, flopped over his eyes as he looked at me.

He took a step forward and handed the box to me. I slowly opened it. Sighing I pulled out a heart shaped necklace with a diamond in the center. Smiling i put it on and blushed a little.

"Happy two year anniversary." David smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Today is August 23rd?" I asked him, confused.

"All day hun." he replied smiling.

"Well that went by fast." I laughed.

"Yes it did." He said smiling.

Two hours later we were laying on a deserted beach staring at the clouds.

"You know what makes today perfect?" asked David turning to look at me.

"Umm, the fact that in less than 6 months I'll be 18 and then I can move in with you?" I guessed smiling at him.

"Well there is that," he chuckled, "and the fact that your laying right here beside me and today couldn't get any better even though it's only 12:30 am."

"Oh," I responded, "that too I guess."

"I love you Jessica Johnson," David grinned, lacing our finger together, "forever and always."

Blushing, I moved closer to him and kissed his lips softly.

"I love you too David Morgan." I replied.

He scrunched up his noise and I laughed.

"What was that look for?" I asked smiling.

"I hate my last name." He answered with a chuckle.

"Of course you do." I laughed.

Sipping from my can of soda, I asked him if we had any plans for today.

"Well," he replied, "Now that you reminded me, we have lunch in two hours with my parents and then movies until an hour and a half before sunset. Then I have a surprise for you."

"Sounds good but what do we do for the next two hours?" I questioned raising one of my eyebrows.

"We could go to Katie and Jeff's" he suggested.

"Uggghh!" I moaned, "No."

"Or we could stay here and watch the clouds." he laughed.

God how I loved his laugh. For the next two hours we watched the clouds and talked about everything and nothing at all.

Eventually, we had to met his parents for lunch. As we walked to the car I shivered.

"Whats wrong babe?" David asked.

"Nothing," I answered, "just a chill."

"Okay." he replied as he opened the door for me and motioned for me to get inside.

I climbed in and he closed the door behind me.