Ripped Jeans & T-shirts

Never Saw it Coming

People tend to lie a lot and never really speak their mind. They are afraid that people may judge them and won’t want to be their friend. That’s the problem with society, people are too afraid of what others think of them when you should only care about what you think of yourself. Who cares if someone thinks you’re ugly because there is someone else who will think you’re gorgeous. As long as you’re confident and believe in yourself then there is absolutely nothing you have to worry about.

Teenage girls are the worst with this issue. They try so hard to fit in and impress people. Many of them try a little too hard which just makes them annoying. They all say that they have to make an impression and they have to lie if they want to be popular. Me well I speak my mind and don’t really care how I look most of the time. And that has gotten me far in life. I have tons of friends and most of the people that hate me are just jealous.

Drama is the worst of all in high school. Girls like to pull shit out of their asses and start some rumor that turns into this big dramatic scene. That’s why I became friends with guys because they don’t really give a shit about anything that goes on. All they want is to have a good time. I started out being friends with girls, but once we got in the 1st grade they all started accusing each other for stealing their crayons. I couldn’t take it anymore so I started hanging around the guys who never even seemed to notice if they were missing a crayon. I still tolerate girls, but I prefer to hang with the guys especially since I grew up with three older brothers.

Jason and Henry are in college and Neil is a senior in high school. Technically he just graduated, so I guess they are all in college now. They are really protective when it comes to me. Most of the time it gets on my nerves, but there are moments when it is handy. Like one time I had this project with this douche bag Connor and he kept try to get in my pants. When I went to get a snack I told my brothers and all three of them went up there. I don’t know what they did or said, but Connor and I haven’t spoken to each other after we finish the project. I am real thankful for that.

My dad left us with our mom right after I was born with no excuse. Then he sent a letter explaining why he left and apparently we weren’t good enough to live in his life style. My mom is pretty much the coolest mom I have ever met. She never ever grounded any of us and she pretty much let us do whatever we want. Because of her giving us our freedom we never took advantage of her and all of us turned out to be pretty good. I mean my brother Jason is graduating from Yale next year and my brother Henry is at Harvard studying the law. My mom must be doing something right.

Now the question is why is any of this crap that I am telling you important. The truth is none of it really matters, but there are bits and pieces that actually do. Like my brother Neil, my dad leaving my mom, and the part where I don’t give a shit and always speak my mind.

Anyways my story technically began when I was born, but my life definitely did not get interesting until I turned seventeen. Literally on the day that I turned seventeen, but I am not giving you any details. Basically I got drunk and did it with a stranger not really the kind of thing I do, but he was really persuasive and I was drunk. Oh and can’t forget he was extremely gorgeous.

It was a Friday night the first day of summer vacation. That meant that the big end of the year party is tonight. One of my closer guy friends, Jack, was hosting it and his brother Brad just so happens to be Neil’s best friend. Unfortunately my brother and Brad are not really liked that much. So Jack convinced Brad to hang out with my brother without letting Brad know he was throwing the biggest party of the year. What a great brother right?

I got all dressed up for this party. I was wearing my best strapless dress with my favorite high heels. I am totally kidding. I only own two dresses, neither are strapless, and I own one pair of high heels that I haven’t worn since the sixth grade. I was wearing my best pair of jeans, which were the pair with no holes and I decided to wear my cheetah print shirt. I usually just wear t-shirts all the time, but I wanted to look a little decent. I kept my wavy blonde hair down and put absolutely no makeup on. I am not a big makeup person mainly because I am naturally so beautiful, but I also don’t really know how to put it on. Once again I grew up with three older brothers.

I walked downstairs to find my brother slouching on our black leather couch with a chip bag on his stomach and Brad next to him trying to find a movie to watch on Netflix. They both turned their heads and noticed I was staring. My brother got up first and began walking toward me with Brad right behind him. “Where are you going looking like that?” Neil said implying that I was all dressed up for someone.

“What are you talking about she looks like she does every other day?” Brad said before I could answer my brother’s question.

“No. Usually my sister wears t-shirts and ripped jeans. No rips in her jeans and a casual/nicish looking shirt.” Neil pointed out the obvious.

“Wow Neil you’re so observant.” I said sarcastically. “I am off to the end of the year party.” I wasn’t going to say where I was going, but I wanted to rub it in their faces.

“Oh wow, aren’t you cool.” My brother rolled his eyes.

“Who is hosting it this year?” Brad asked as he put his hands in his pocket.

“Your brother, Jack.” Brad’s mouth opened wide and I put on a devious smile.

“Why didn’t my own brother invite me?” I laughed a little and he gave me the evil eye.

“Just face it no one likes you.” I grabbed my coat, then my car keys, and quickly ran out the door before they could say anything else. I know that sounded harsh, but Brad knows me well enough to tell when I don’t mean it.

When I arrived the house was already packed and there were already a few people passed out on the front lawn. The party only began an hour ago. I don’t understand how people can get so drunk in such a little amount of time. Unfortunately I can’t get drunk tonight because I am pretty sure Jessica is super drunk like usual and I will have to take her home.

Jessica is my best girlfriend and one of my only. She is basically the weirdest girl you would ever meet. She likes to do the stupidest things to get attention. Like when we went to see the school’s play Romeo and Juliet she stood up during the balcony scene and recited all of Juliet’s part. She got a standing ovation, but our drama teach didn’t like it, so she got kicked out. When there is a chance to do anything stupid or adventurous she will do it and most of the time take me with her.

It’s been about 2 hours since I have arrived and I was sitting in a corner trying not to get thrown up on. Parties usually aren’t that fun unless you’re drunk, you know how to dance, or you’re making out. I wasn’t drunk, my dancing skills are horrible and no one there seemed like my type. Well actually I am just really good friends with most of these guys, so I don’t want to make things awkward between us by making out with them while their drunk even though they probably won’t remember the next morning.

I do have a confession. I like this one guy and this one guy only. His name is Steven Moore. We’ve been friends since the 1st grade. I’ve had a crush on him for about 3 years now, but it was never a big enough crush to actually make a move. Plus I don’t think he has much interest in me. Anyways he was coming my way. He looked good in his leather jacket and a grey v-neck. He always knew how to dress to impress. “Hey,” he sat down on the chair next to me. “Why are you sitting all alone?”

“I can’t get drunk and if I move from this spot I am pretty sure I will.” I explained and he smiled, so I smiled back. All my friends say that since I smile a lot whenever I talk to a guy that means I am flirting with them. I smile at almost everything anybody says. I am just a happy person and also I have no clue on how to flirt.

“Well then I guess I am going to have to keep you company.” He grabbed his beer and took a sip of it.

“Don’t let me ruin your fun. Plus don’t you have a girlfriend you could be making out with right now?” Jenny Cord and Steven have been dating for a year. Everybody thought they were the perfect couple even though they were always too busy to be with each other. Maybe they were the perfect couple.

“Well we both decided to take a break and ex-“

“She dumped you hard.” I said and he nodded. I laughed a little before I asked “did she give you a reason?”

“She said because I couldn’t keep my eyes off of some other girl.” He took another sip of his beer.

“So who is this mystery girl?” I cocked my eyebrows and nudged him with my shoulder.

“I rather not say. She’s kind of hard to get and she never shows any interest in me being more than a friend. I think I may be stuck in the friend zone forever with her.”

“I would start naming a bunch of girls, but let’s face it I know it’s me.” I said with a cocky attitude.

“What makes you think that?” I gave him the ‘are you serious’ look and he just laughed. “You know I heard that if a guy wants to know if he is a good kisser they should come to you because you’re picky.”

“Oh is that so?” I leaned in a little closer to him.

“You’ve kissed four guys and you only thought one of them was a good kisser.” I leaned in a bit more. “I heard that you are a pretty good kisser yourself.”

“Well maybe you will get to find out.” Are lips were almost touching and I could feel his warm breathe on me. “But not today.” I moved away and put a smile on my face. Then I got up and went to search for Jessica.

I know why didn’t I kiss him when I got the chance to? Well I didn’t want to look desperate or easy. Plus it’s always good to leave a guy wanting more even though I didn’t give him anything. I love to leave guys with a little mystery.

I finally found Jessica making out with this really ugly looking dude. Parties are the best time for ugly guys to get some game because most of the girls are usually a slut, drunk, or both. Jessica I would say right now would probably be both. I walked over and pulled Jessica off of him. He gave me this look that said ‘what the hell.’

“You seriously are going to take advantage of a drunken girl.” I looked at him all serious and he just stared at me. “Shame on you.” I scolded him.

“She was all over me.” He tried to defend himself, but miserably failed.

“Because she is drunk, you idiot. You think a girl like her would be interested in you?” I asked and when he was about to respond I stopped him. “Don’t answer that because the answer would be yes, but only because she is a slut.” I grabbed Jessica by the arm and took her outback.

It was the time of the party where Jessica and I push someone in to the pool and make it look like an accident. It’s a tradition of ours and everyone knows it unless they haven’t been to the parties we go to. So we searched for the perfect guy and we both decided on the guy that has pretty much been hitting on every girl at this party. I went up to him and started a normal conversation. As Jessica called out my name I turn, she tripped, I backed up and BAM pushed him into the pool. Jessica always volunteers to make a fool out of herself. We look around and all the guys were laughing. And all the girls were yelling “That’s what you get jerk.” Jessica and I were satisfied.

Jessica disappeared to make out with some other random dude soon after and I went back inside to find someone to talk to. In the corner talking to a few guys I found Jack. I haven’t told him how great the party was yet, so I thought I would go over and tell him now. As walked over the guys disappeared and it was just Jack and I. “Nice party you got going on.” I smiled.

“Thanks, nice stunt you pulled on Alex.” He said with a little laughter.

“Yeah I don’t like boys who try to go home with more than one girl. He also seemed like a jerk and you know I can tell when someone is a jerk.” Jack handed me a drink and I politely declined.

“You think everyone is a jerk.” It was true if I didn’t know them then I thought they were a jerk or bitch. People are just so rude and annoying.

“Whatever,” Jack was staring across the room, so I followed his gaze and noticed that he was looking at Hannah Rae, who was looking back at him. Hannah Rae and Jack have been secretly crushing on each other for this pass year and neither of them has confessed to each other. “You know she likes you back.”

“Yeah, but I don’t know what to say to her. I am not good at talking to girls.” He looked down at his feet and then back up at Hannah like he was nervous.

“I could put in a good word for you if you want?” I love hooking people up because it makes feel like a good friend.

“Thanks that would be great.”

I walked over to where Hannah and her friends were standing. Hannah was wearing this dark blue dress with some kind of pattern on it and over it she had on her bedazzled leather jacket on. She was wearing a ton of make-up and her hair was back in a ponytail. “Hey Hannah!” I said in a friendly tone.

“Bitch, stay away from him. You know I like him, yet you still try to take him away from me. Why don’t you find a guy who actually finds you attractive and that doesn’t think you’re a man.” She yelled and then walked away.

“Jealousy isn’t a pretty color on you.” I yelled and she stuck up her middle finger at me.
“Nice talking to you too.” I yelled even though she couldn’t hear me that time. I looked back at Jack and he raised his arms and mouthed the word ‘well.’ I just gave him a thumbs up and he smiled.

After a long night I dropped off Jessica and then drove home. It was 2 o’clock in the morning and I was expecting my brother to be in bed and my mom to be home, but the lights were still on in the house and my mom’s car was still gone. It should worry me, but it really didn’t because I was tired and need to sleep like now.

I walked in and my brother turned down the volume on the TV and signaled for me to come over. I dropped my keys and bag on the table next to the door and shuffled over to the couch. I sat down a little annoyed and I made sure that Neil knew I was annoyed. I grabbed one of the couch pillows and hugged it tight. I was waiting for Neil to speak, but it looked like he was searching for the right words. “Okay, here goes nothing. Mom is in jail.” Once he said that I sat up straight and threw the pillow at him. Then I calmed down a grabbed the pillow to hug again.

“Just bail her out.” I yawned mid-sentence. Neil look at me like I was crazy, but we had the money, so what was the issue.

“See the thing is all the money we have is stolen.” That time I jumped up and went crazy. I didn’t believe him at first but it made sense since my mom doesn’t work yet we had a lot of money. All honesty this was the last thing I ever expected to happen.
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I hoped you enjoyed it.
I am knew to writing, so please give me your best criticism
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Thanks for reading my story! :)