Ripped Jeans & T-shirts

The Girlfriend

It was 4th of July weekend and apparently every 4th of July there is a big barbeque/party thrown on the beach. The people that live on my cold-de-sac host it, but everybody is invited. This is the one day in summer that everyone forgets about money and other stupid problems and has fun with each other. At least in this town that is, but I we didn’t have an issue like this back home.

Everyone is there which meant Miller and well we haven’t really seen each other since the kiss. I think he is trying to avoid me because I went to the CD store a couple of times and he was either off duty or too busy to talk. I know I didn’t know him for long, but I kind of miss Miller.

Luke and I have gotten extremely close because he has been helping my dad with some weird business project, so every time he took a break he would find me and talk. He was such a sweet boy and in a matter of time I may be falling for him. I know for sure he is definitely not interested in me at all and I wonder why. Not to sound conceited, but usually when I spend a lot of time with one guy the fall for me eventually. What am I doing wrong?

It was 5 o’clock and the party was just beginning. I was sitting on a rock next to Nora and Mitch. They are my two favorite people that I have met here besides Luke, but I like him in a different way. If things were going better with Miller he would be up there with them. “You and Luke seem to talk a lot these days.” Nora changed the subject from Mackenzie to Luke.

“Yeah, I know I really like him.” I didn’t want it to sound like I had a crush on him, but I think I just did.

“Well you better get over him because he is taken by the lovely Marissa. They have been dating for 8 months now.” Mitch gave me a heads up. That explains why he doesn’t like me that way.

“I talk to him every day and he doesn’t mention his girlfriend once to me.” I mean how is that possible if you really like someone wouldn’t you brag about them all the time. I know I would.

“Maybe he likes you,” Nora nudged me with her shoulder. I was going to respond, but I saw Miller talking to some people by the food table, so I got up and walked over to him. We really did need to talk about what happened.

“Hey,” was the only word I could think of until he turned around. “We should really talk about that night.” I don’t know if he forgot about or if he would hate me for bringing it up, but I had to.

“I kissed you, you don’t like me that way, so what else is there to say?” It felt like Miller had been waiting to say that too me ever since he kissed me. “Clearly you like someone who is already taken and happy.”

“Well yeah that pretty much sums it up, but I still want to be…”

“You better not end that sentence with friends.” He cut me off and it sounded like he was getting angry.

“I thought we were building up a beautiful friendship until you decided to fuckin’ kiss me.” I yelled at him.

“Okay then let’s go ahead and be friends.”


“Fine!” after all that yelling I was a little confused. I began to back up, but then in a nice calm tone Miller said “As your friend I advise you to stay away from Mitch. He may seem like a nice guy, but he isn’t trust me.” He then walked away and I was lost again. Was he serious about Mitch?

I looked over at Nora and Mitch who were still sitting on the rock staring at me. They were probably wondering what I was doing and why. But I just wanted to know why Mitch was a bad guy and how could a girl like Nora end up hanging out with him if he was such a mean guy. I was extremely confused, but as much as I wanted to believe Miller I just couldn’t. Mitch may be mean to others, but he was nice to me, so I am not going to judge him by what others say about him.
“Are you okay?” Some girl wearing extremely large hoop earrings interrupted my thoughts.

“Yeah, just thinking about random stuff, like rainbows, unicorns and whatever else girls think of.” I wasn’t really sure what I was saying, but I know I probably wasn’t making any sense.

“Umm…Okay. I am Marissa.” Once I heard the name Marissa I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and took a good look at her. She was the three T’s; Tall, Tan, and Thin. I hated every girl that had the three T’s mainly because most of them turn out to be sluts. She was definitely beautiful and it made me hate her even more.

“I am Kris.” I said with a fake smile on my face.

“You’re that girl Luke is always talking about.” The smile she gave me seemed fake as well.

“And you’re his girlfriend that he never shut’s up about.” I lied, but I didn’t want to be mean and tell her that Luke hasn’t brought her up once.

“Luke did say that you had an interesting sense of humor.” She flashed her fake smile again.

“Yeah that’s me the sarcastic, blunt bitch.” She nodded and it kind of made me mad that she agreed with me. “At least I know exactly who I am.”

“Oh, I know exactly who I am too. I am a hot, rich daddy’s girl and very intelligent.” She did know who she was and I was a little impressed. “So why are you dressed like that?” I looked at my outfit and I thought I looked cute.

“What do you mean?” Just because I wasn’t dressed as a slut like she was doesn’t mean I was dressed weird.

“Your jeans have holes in them and your shirt is just a t-shirt with and American flag on it.” She said it like she has never seen clothing items like these before.

“Well, it’s a little chilly out, so I decided to wear pant and it’s the 4th of July, so I wore a shirt with the flag on it.”

“Well you look like a hobo in that outfit.” She grabbed a water bottle out of the ice chest and then left. The only though in my head was that there was no way she was smart.

Soon enough the sun went down and it was time for the fireworks. Usually I would be on my roof with Jessica watching the town center’s firework show. It was a tradition and this year I was breaking the tradition and I hated it. So instead of standing and watching the fireworks with these people I barely know, I went home and sat on the roof to watch the show. I was hoping that Jessica would be on her roof too and maybe it will still count.

It was so beautiful especially since the fireworks were right over the ocean. Seeing them light up the ocean was just amazing. I wish that Jessica was here or at least someone else, so I can share this moment with someone. I was getting homesick. I miss Jessica, my mom, Steven, Jack and other people. All the people here are definitely not as fun or the same. I feel like I have made more friends with girls than guys and that is not right. It like everything is the opposite here than it is back home and I hate it so much. I know I said I was just getting use to this place, but in all honesty I only like it here because there is a beach practically in my backyard.

Once the fireworks were over with I decided to stay up on the roof and just look up at the stars. There were a lot out today and it was so beautiful. I closed my eyes to soak up all the beauty and then I heard a noise. I quickly opened my eyes and sit up. Who the hell was on the roof? My dad would never come up here especially since he knows I might push him off and my brother was going to stay out late with his new lady friend. If someone was trying to kill me then I would jump into the pool and I think I will still be alive. I was standing on the edge about to jump, but waiting to see who it is.

“Are you seriously going to jump off and hope to land in the pool?” It was Luke.

“What kind of person sneaks up on some when their on a roof and how did you know I was here?” I asked.

“What kind of idiot would jump off a two story house into the pool when there is a very big chance that you won’t land in it?” He had a point, so I just shrugged. “Anyways I saw you leave the party and after the fireworks I went to look for you and I saw you on the roof, so that’s how I knew you were here.”

“Why exactly did you want to find me?” Maybe Nora was right and he did like me too.

“I saw you talking to my girlfriend and well I was wondering how that went since I never
mentioned her before.” Oh I guess he was more worried about his girlfriend than me. Well I guess it makes sense.

“No worries I told her you talk about her all the time. Even though she said I dress like a hobo, but I ignored that because I rather look like a hobo than a slut like her. No offense.” Luke laughed which wasn’t really the reaction I thought I would get from him.

“Thanks, I would stay, but Marissa is waiting for me at my house.” I gave him a fake smile and waved goodbye.

I stayed on the roof a little longer trying to figure how the hell I was going to bring this Marissa bitch down. I hated her she is a bitch, but acts so sweet around Luke. I am going to break them up even if it is the very last thing I do.
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I hope you guys are still reading!
Thanks for the comment MusicLover525
Enjoy :)