American Girl.

Every Time I Look at You.

Living on the streets wasn't easy. Although, it was for me now. I've been doing it for almost three years. It wasn't my first choice, but after my step father began abusing me, I had to. I was only sixteen when I first got on a train and moved away.

I had few belongings and even fewer money. Loneliness was the least of my problems as I never had a place to live or anyone to go to for shelter.

It was a hot July night when Ella strutted the streets to gain attention from horny men. Usually, they were old and not very attractive. It didn't matter, the older the richer. Prostitution and stripping was the only way to gain money.

She only gained money to feed her addiction to cocaine. There was nothing else in the world that made her feel as good as the cocaine. It shielded her from all the pain and sorrow in her past and present. It also destroyed everything good in her.

That night, she was stripping in a very popular strip club. The young blonde erotically danced the night away, never aware that one rock star was in the crowd. That rock star, Gene Simmons, was very curious about this girl.

Not only was he aroused by her, but he was entranced. She seemed very complex. She was beautiful. He was very smitten.

The next night, Ella was back at the same strip club. Gene brought his friend and bandmate, Paul Stanley. The starry-eyed lover didn't understand what Gene meant about Ella, but he thought she was really sexy.

That night, Gene and Paul decided to go talk to the girl. Gene, powered by lust and admiration, asked the young girl her name. Responding with a smile, she immediately began giving Gene a lap dance. Paul scoffed at the scene and walked out the backdoor for fresh air.

"What's your story?" Gene asked gorgeous blonde.

The night unfolded into a long story. The story of Ella Williams. The story of pain from her mother. All the memories of her mother and her step father's abuse came out. Gene listened to the small, drunk blonde stripper, who let out all her secrets.

When she finished, she finally realized what she had done. No one in the world knew about this. She looked over at Gene, who seemed very familiar to her, and pushed him out the backdoor.

As Paul was about to open the door, Gene came flying through the now opened door. The look on his face was priceless.

Ella began giggling at the stupid grimace Paul had on his face. Gene picked himself up. He immediately became mesmerized by Ella's laughter. He finally had to tell her.

"Look, Ella...I probably shouldn't of heard all that stuff back there...I just gotta tell you this one thing..." he was nervous.

Gene was never nervous around women, so as Paul saw this, he became frightened. It seemed odd. Was Gene playing some nasty trick, or was he really smitten by this young woman?

"Ella, would you come back to my house tonight? I...I don't wanna see you out on the streets alone..."

That night, as Ella went back to Gene's house, she was amazed to see a huge mansion. She wondered what was Gene's career.

He must be some movie star or something of the sort, Ella thought to herself.

"Woman, I've got to tell you the truth. I'm not who you probably think I am." Gene began his explanation towards the giant mansion and the limo they took back to his place.

"Come inside, I'll show you who I really am."

When the couple entered the large mansion and went through the double oak doors, Ella was delighted to find out who he really was.

He was Gene fuckin' Simmons!!

"Oh my god! Why didn't you tell me?! I'm leaving; I'm not good enough for you." she was flustered. Gene put his arms around her and hugged her.

"Don't worry, Ella. I like you. I really do."

They spent the night talking, drinking wine and listening to records. Gene and Ella fell in like very fast.

Ella slept in one of the guest rooms. It was lonely, dark and strange. She felt as if she was intruding. Without another thought, she made her way to the man's room in the dark corridor. Groping for the door knob, she felt frightened.

But when she opened the door, the young woman was in for a surprise. Ella found Gene sitting on his bed, looking at the moonlight through a huge window and playing guitar. It looked like he was writing a song, or maybe playing one of his own.

Ella reached out to him. He looked back, smirking at the blonde teenager.

"What's the song you were playing? Did you write that?" she asked, smiling.

"No, it's Tom Petty's American Girl. Do you like that song?"

She nodded and he began playing it once again. She loved the melody. She loved the lyrics. Something about the song seemed to hit her.

"Wanna go look at the stars out on the balcony?" Gene asked the pretty girl.

"Only if you bring the guitar...and some liquor."

On the balcony, the rockstar and the beauty drank and listened to Gene's mystical guitar playing. They song along to many songs and fell deeper in like. It was like they've known each other for a long time.

Finally, at the end of a long night, near 4 am, the young woman seduced the rockstar. They made love until 6 am and finally fell asleep in each other's arms.

In the early afternoon, the blonde made her way out of the mansion and walked down long highways to get away from L.A. She hitchhiked for miles and miles until she reached Sacramento.

When she got there, she found out where her ex-lover lived. Ella took an axe from the storage cabinet in the apartment building. She took it, and she hacked her ex-lover to pieces. She left a note saying she fucking hated him and wanted him to die.

Waking up from her dream, Ella pressed herself against Gene for comfort. She loved the way he looked when he slept. It reassured her. He was a very handsome man, and he was very good in bed.

Maybe, just maybe, all the false promises and lies she heard all her life could disappear. With Gene, the sadness just disappeared.

When Gene woke up, he smiled and kissed her.

"Baby, I don't really live here. This is just my getaway home. I really live in New York. Would you come back with me? I promise to treat you like a queen."

Ella kissed Gene passionately when he gave her that proposal. It was like, there was something more out there. A second chance to life.

"I've come to make all your dreams come true..."
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