Status: Slowly writing this!

I Have Your Back


I sat on Danny’s lap as I carelessly laughed. Claude Giroux was trying to woo me. And boy, was it working. Danny said this would happen. Is this why Danny warned me? Does he not want me to go after a player after the breakup?

“The guys are going to be all over you,” Danny warned me as I zipped up the last suitcase.

“Danny, you know me. I’ll be able to handle them,” I smirked as I looked around my room. His eyes were looking at me as I glanced back to him.

“You sure you’re okay though?” he wasn’t asking me about being able to handle the Philadelphia Flyers’s most famous charmers, but whether I’m okay with moving out of this apartment, with the breakup of Jesse and I. I nodded. My hand pushed my bangs back, then I looked back at Danny.

“I will be. I just need to be with the people that won’t fuck me over,” alluding to Danny and his kids. He nodded and pulled me into a organ squishing hug. Slowly, I wrapped my arms around his waist.

“We got your back Bails,” he spoke, “we also will,”

“Bailey,” Danny unwrapped his arms from my waist, “I’m gonna go get a drink. Want anything?” I got off from his lap that I’ve been sitting on for awhile, and stood up looking at him.

“Jack and coke,” I smiled at him before he walked away towards the bar. I sat where he was just sitting but closer to Claude.

“So,” I smirked at him.

“I’ll have to come by soon and visit the boys,” he smiled. A coy look was in his eyes.

“And not me?” my voice was full of mock hurt. I pouted at him.

“We wouldn’t want them to be jealous now, would we?” he winked, as a giggle escaped my lips.


I heard voices out in the hall.

“Cameron, don’t wake her,”

“But Claude-”

“Claude isn’t always right,” I shook my head to stop the voices, but they just continued.

“Dad said not to wake her up,”

“Ok,” The voices stopped. I pulled myself towards the pillow next to me and stuffed my face into it. I just want to sleep longer. Last night’s memories came racing to my mind. Claude. Claude wanting to come visit me. I guess he was here. I heard my phone ringing. Who would be calling me? I lifted my head from the pillow and looked at the clock. Ten thirty. A sigh left my lips as I sat up and grabbed my phone. Not looking at who was calling, I answered.

“Hello?” my voice sounds like I just woke up. Maybe they would get the point that they woke me up.

“Bonjour belle,” an unfamiliar, yet familiar voice spoke in French.

“Whoever this is, please speak English. I’m too tired to ask Danny what you just said,” I quipped. I knew basic, very, very basic French and all I knew was this person said good morning.

“I said good morning beautiful,” their comment made me blush, but I still didn’t know whom was saying good morning beautiful.

“And who is this?” I asked. The voice gasped.

“I’m hurt you don’t remember me darling,” their accent got stronger, “it’s Claude,”

“Oh, hey.” my voice perked up and a smile came to my lips.

“Now that you’re awoken, can you please come downstairs and eat the wonderful breakfast the Briere family has cook?”

“I’ll be down, ok? Let me get dressed.” I sighed as I wriggled out of my comfortable, warm bed.

“Are you saying you’re…” he paused, “naked?” his voice was quieter, a whisper. I giggled, a blush came across my cheeks once again.

“Maybe I am, maybe I’m not,” I quipped. I looked down at my pajamas. It was a vintage flyer’s shirt that had 7 and Barber on the back of it, with gray soffee shorts on. Far from being naked. Do I want to put a bra on? Just because Claude? I nodded to myself then slipped over to my dresser and pulled out sports bra. I quickly put it on without taking my shirt off. Yeah… thanks gym class. I glanced at my reflection in the full length mirror. My hair was in a ponytail, my bangs were out and across my forehead. My hand pushed them back. Some say I have Kristen Stewart bangs, I like to say I have good bangs and she just has good taste in hair cuts. My hair had so many different hues of browns that I did a double take at myself. Sometimes I forget the sun changes my hair. I walked out of my room, leaving my phone in there, and walking down the stairs in my new home. I walked down the stairs and heard the boys talking about something, probably NHL 12’s glitches or something.

As I got to the kitchen, I saw them all sitting around the table eating. “Good morning,” I spoke.

“Good morning,” the boys said in unison. Claude smiled at me, and Danny got up.

“Here’s your plate,” he smiled at me. The plate was full of pancakes, hash browns, bacon and three orange slices.

“Thank you,” I smiled as I kissed his cheek. I walked over to the open seat that was put between Claude and Danny.

“No good morning to me?” Claude acted like he was hurt with a pout on his face. As Danny handed me a cup of orange juice, I kissed Claude’s cheek.

“Better?” I asked putting a forkful of pancake in my mouth. It was delicious. Maple syrup was drenched on it and I fucking loved it. I felt Claude’s eyes on me. I ignored it.

“You’re not naked anymore,” he concluded quietly to me.

“There’s children here Claude,” I justified.

“What if there wasn’t?” he asked, looking at me.

“That’s a different story,” our conversation of whispers had Danny looking at us. He shook his head at Claude. As if saying, back off. I shrugged it off. Boys will be boys.
♠ ♠ ♠
I got this idea suddenly. Thank god for Google Translate. c:

French Translations:
Bonjour belle: Good morning beautiful