Status: Slowly writing this!

I Have Your Back


I sat on Claude's lap as we laughed at a joke that Danny said. His hands rubbed circles on my thigh as he held my hand.

"Guess what?" Danny said. I looked at him and laughed.


"I met someone," he smiled. I glanced at Claude, then back to Danny.

"Who is this 'someone'?" I asked. Just then, the doorbell rang and Danny ran out of the kitchen to answer the door. I quickly glanced at Claude. "Is it her?"

"Hi Danny," I heard a feminine voice. I knew her voice...

"Hi baby," his voice responded and I furrowed my brows while I looked at the hallway.

"Guys, this is Brooklyn Brooks; my girlfriend." Danny looked at me smiling.

"Hi, I'm Bailey." the room was quiet as I took in her appearance. Jeans, white tank top, flip flops. It suddenly clicked. Jesse's step sister.

"Claude Giroux," as soon as he spoke, he kissed my shoulder.

"Excuse me," I spoke getting up. As I got to the hallway, I ran up the stairs to my room. I shut my door and sat on the floor. She's going to tell Jesse I have a new boyfriend. He's going to find me. My heart started racing and it was hard to breathe. I laid on the floor, trying to control my breathing. It got really hot, and there was sweat everywhere. I crawled to my bed, the fan was right next to my bed; making it the coolest area of my room. As I laid on the bed and looked at the ceiling, my head was pounding. My body felt so heavy.


"Bailey," Claude's voice was panicked. "Baby... please wake up," my eyes opened slightly. Claude's fingers caressed my cheek as a smile came over his lips. A sigh of relief left his mouth. "Danny, she's up!"

"Bailey, oh my god. You scared me!" Danny said sitting next to me with a cup of orange juice, there was a hot pink straw in it. I smiled slightly. I leaned towards Danny and took a sip of the juice.

"Your girlfriend is his step sister," I said quietly. It came out of no where.

"Fuck you Danny. I can't believe you would date his step sister. You know what he did to her!" Claude screamed leaving my bedroom.

"I know Bails, I know. She told me when you guys broke up. She's different from him though." I stared at him.

"I can't..." I started. I didn't wanna say it, but it had to be done, "I can't be around her. I'm sorry, I just can't. She knew what was going on and she didn't try to stop him." I looked up at Danny.

"I understand," he leaned forward and kissed my forehead before setting the glass of juice on the table and leaving my room.
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Merp. I don't know how I feel about this chapter.