Status: In progress

YC Days


Adrian and Max sat together in their shared police car on patrol, with Adrian in the driver’s seat and Max in the passenger. Max had his arm out the window, and with each occasional stop, would annoyingly speak to people as they went along. As they drove away from being near a chapel, he yelled at a priest.

“Try to keep the faith, father! Save me a few hail Mary’s, will ya?” With a smile. Adrian, on the other hand, was not amused.
“You mind rolling the window up, Max?” He asked, a bit pissed off.
“Get to know the people, Braginski. That’s what I do.” He replied; and went on... “That’s what my father did and his father did and his father did--”
Adrian interrupted him. “Well, can you get to know him when I don’t have the AC on full blast?” He hissed.
“Five men stand high on a ledge,” Max continued with his blabbery, “four of them decide to jump. How many are left, Braginski?”
“I don’t know,” he answered, “one?”
“Wrong! Five,” Max responded, “because you see there is a difference between DECIDING... And DOING.”
Adrian, now irritated, said “Just keep the window up in the future please--” And this time, was interrupted by Max. “Yeah perhaps I’ll DECIDE to.”
“Why don’t you DECIDE to keep the window up?!” Adrian yelled back.
“It doesn’t matter if I don’t DO.” Max’s own yelling overlapped Adrian’s.
“Just keep the fucking window up!” His voice raised.
“What’s the matter don’t you understand?! I can decide to!” He argued, but was scolded again as Adrian slammed the car to a halt, causing them both to jerk forward slightly; although it surprised Max. His voice was very loud, almost like a drill sergeant.
Max raised his hands, calming Adrian down. He pressed the button on the side of the door and the window slowly raised, as he said, “Alright then, there you go.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a parody from a scene in the show called Assy McGee. I don't own the Assy McGee series, but I do own my characters. This was only made for entertainment, and has no ill intentions.

- BananaDolphin