Why Is This Happening to Me?

Whats Going On?!?!?

**In Reality Benji’s P.O.V**

“Joel, what song should we start with?”
I looked over at him when he didn’t answer.
“Joel?” He was looking into the recording booth.
He looked like he was studying something.

I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. I shooked him lightly, then turned him around in the chair. I gasped at what I saw. Nothing, and I mean nothing, looked as scary as he did then.
His eyes looked like he was blind. His skin, face, every part of him looked like…like…he saw dad or…mom dead…or unhappy thoughts. I freaked.

“Billy! Paul! Get down here NOW!”
Before they got here, Joel got up, and went into the booth and started singing ‘Emotionless’.
I stared at him. Like he went mad.

“What?” Billy asked, with Paul in tow.

“Joel! That’s what!”

“What’s wrong with him?” Paul asked looking at Joel.

“I don’t know.” I said, starting to get upset.

"Why is he singing?"

"I don't KNOW! I asked him a question and he didn't answer. Then I went over to him and his face...eyes...he looked BLIND! He looked like he had seen dad or I DONT KNOW!!"

I looked back over to him and saw that he had fallen. I ran into the booth with them in tow. I shooked him lightly, then bent down to listen to his heart beat. His chest was barely moving. I heard his heart beat, and his breathing.

"He's out!"

"Come on. Lets take him home.

We picked him up and took him to the car.