Why Is This Happening to Me?

***Joel's POV* Dream World***

"Come on! Grap his body!" He yelled at me. He threw Benji's body to the ground like it was nothing.

I stuttered. Why would he do this? He loved us. Well, that's what we thought till he left. But why? Did Benji or any of us do something wrong?

"Now!!" He hit me in the back of the head, so hard I fell to my knees.

I graped Benji's body, feeling what I ate coming up. We walked out to the car.

The car that had broken down 4 months after we got it and left on the side of

the road. He told me to rap him up in a tarp and throw him in the back. I did as

told. I climbed in the front and we took off.

We drove for what seemed hours. I had fallen asleep, some how.

"Wake Up!" I jolted awake.

"Get his body!" I got out and did as told.

We walked through the woods for an hour. Then we came to a lake.

"Give him to me." He graped him and through him in.

I watched as Benji's body sank down to the bottom. Tears starting to fall.
