Why Is This Happening to Me?


We were at the airport. ‘Six hours…again.’ I thought. We had just boarded the plan and the set belt sign came on. Benji gave me some black water liquid, nasty stuff. Told me it would help keep me “under control.” He said he found someone to help. Who the hell can help, or how, I don’t know.

*4 hours later*

We just got off the plane, and we have an hour to wait to board the next. We’re in Chicago, there’s a veggie restaurant we decided to go to. We ordered our drinks and food. We ate and had just enough time to get to the gate. ‘One hour’ I thought. I hadn’t had an ‘episode ‘all day. I guess that stuff really helped.

We got off the plan in PA, the closest airport to this person. We walked through the airport and to the car rental place. We got an SUV and directions to Wheeling; two towns up from her. We got down to Wheeling, with little trouble. But we got there and got a little lost.

“Dude, go left!”

“No! Right!”

“You know what? I'm going straight, stop somewhere to get directions.”
Benji went straight and saw a police station. We stopped and he got out. He came back five-ten minutes later with directions