Why Is This Happening to Me?


We got to the town with no more tubule. When we arrived at the house, it was gray-ish blue with a gold Sun fire in front. We parked and walked up the walk way, and Billy knocked. An elderly woman with oxygen opened the door moments later.

“Hello?” she asked questionly.

“Hi, we’re looking for a S.O.S?”

“S.O.S? I think that might be one of my grand daughter. She has so many names; it’s hard to keep up. Please come in.”

She moved aside to let us in. as soon as we were in a Pug came running in and we heard a door shut.

“Courtney! Is S.O.S one of your names?”

“Who wants to know?”

“These young gentleman out here. And they look familiar.”


A girl about 14, with red-ish hair, wearing all black, heavy eyeliner, with a My Chemical Romance shirt walked in the living room.

“Good Charlotte, I’ve been waiting. Come on, I’ve all ready started.” I looked at her with a weird look. But the others seemed to know what she’s talking about.

We followed her into the kitchen and down to the basement. She took us into a room full of posters, and bottles of stuff, and god knows what. Guess this is were Benji got that stuff from.

“Joel, sit there.” She pointed to a spot in front of the wall. There were chains on the wall and she chained me to the wall.

“Whats this for?” Benji asked her, with a worried ness in his voice.

“Cause, what we’re going to do will make him… act like…let see whats the word? Here, the book can explain better.” She went over to a table and got an opened book.

“The whole preacher is right there and you can read it while I finish setting up.”

“Set up? What are we going to cut him opened?”

“If you want.”

“Uh…no that’s OK.”

She went over to the table and got some candles, crystal looking things, bottles, and small box. She set the crystals in a half circle around me.

“Go over there.” The guys went to the other side of the room.

“Shit. Joel take out you contacts.” She undid the chains and I took them out.